The Great Upheaval Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Great Upheaval

A centuries long period of constant warfare and strife in Western Madrinada.   Little is known about the exact cause, but the easiest guess would be a combination of scant resources causing major instability. For this period civilization was not a word you would use to describe western Madrinada. Outside resources describe the lands as nothing more than large rampaging bands of brutes, raiding and pillaging any thing in their wake. The only thing that would end their brutality was another larger, more brutal band of rampaging brutes.   By the end of the period, these brutes began to realize how much more lucrative ruling settlements could be, and as such went from brutal rampaging raiders to brutal rampaging lords.
Duration: 667 AC - 1017 AC


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