The Long Death Myth in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Long Death

A yet to be fully understand cataclysmic event that turned plains between the Ebron and Jucarn Rivers in modern day Madrinada from a lush green paradise to the barren, red rock badlands it is today. Everything we know has been learned from researching the ruins of an old civilization known as the The Lalethians.   The Lalethians noted a bright and burning light in their sky, starting in 133 AC. It burned for a month straight, never allowing darkness to take hold in their lands. One day it stopped, and there after the Lalethains noticed their rivers ran dry, and most of the land's vegetation began to die. Overtime they tried all manner of schemes to prevent the, what they called, Long Death of the land. Massive irrigation projects, the worship of new gods, even the arcane. Yet, nothing could stop the soil from becoming ash. The crops died quick; the grass withered away. Livestock perished, and all life along the plains ceased existing. The Lalethians retreated from their settlements, hoping to outrun the spreading death seemingly following them. Eventually, the entire plain was consumed, and the record the Lalethains left ends in about 350 AC.
Beginning: 133 AC
Duration: 350 AC (estimation)


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