The Terranian Awakening Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Terranian Awakening

Roughly 2000 years ago, the previous veiled eyes of our world were opened to the reality that existed around us. From atop the peaks of Aarhus Mountains, a cohort of Infernal Beings touched down upon this world. And soon after, Celestials followed, in pursuit of their quarries. Over the following decades, these beings sought out our folk for support and coordination. It is through these relationships the folks of Terrania became aware of the various planes existing within our reality. Those close to the Infernal and Celestial learned how to harness the Arcane, and subsequently, its knowledge and techniques spread throughout the continent. The deities existing in the outer planes, manifested themselves within our world, and Terranian gods and pantheons merged with their similar patrons, giving us our current pantheon. This relationship also gave birth to the new human races upon our lands, the Tieflings & Aasimar. Eventually, the Infernal and Celestials finished their struggle, and returned to their planes. But their mark left up this world is without question the most significant architect of our current landscape. And so, this is why the Terranian calendar is set to BC and AC (Before Contact & After Contact).


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