The Treaty of Lyonees Physical / Metaphysical Law in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Treaty of Lyonees

Signed in 1760AC, this treaty ensures peace between King Conrad I of Reinhart  Kingdom of Reinhart and The Kingdom of Toussaint. Prior to the treaty, there was growing tension over the region of Arsonn, with the city of Kabritz being the focal point of friction. The region had a Reinhart majority population as it had been a part of the Reinhartian Anstultz Kingdom. During the 3rd Toussaint-Anstultz War of 1667, Toussaint annexed the territory. Since the rise of the Conrad's new Kingdom, many in Arsonn argued for incorporation into Reinhart. In an attempt to avoid a costly war, Queen Brigitte Chalon II, of Toussaint  offered Conrad the region in exchange for Toussaint economic interests in Arsonn to be ensured, and for unrestricted access through the Reinhartian controlled Southern Strait of Oberfallen. Additionally, the marriage of Queen Brigitte's niece Princess Elise of House Chalon  to Conrad I's 2nd son, Prince Albrecht of Reinhart  was agreed to ensure the peace moving forward.


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