The Varangian Folly Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Varangian Folly

Was a conflict started by Emperor Kethswan III lasting from 1302AC to 1318AC against the Riora Confederation. Kethswan III was attempting to expand the Empire North in hopes of annexing the river lands surrounding the Menosca Mountains. At the time eastern Madrinda was a loose confederation of small duchies and city states along the Riora River valley; the two most powerful being Cordiboya and Menosca. The Varangians were meet with constant, and rugged resistance by the Riora Confederation. Each city Kethswan III took cost huge chunks of his army. Therefore, he spent most of the conflict fortified in the field or small cities waiting for reinforcements to travel through the Urmlorn Pass. These caravans of soldiers and supplies were constantly harassed and ambushed, leading to massive losses. The further he conquered north, the worse his supply lines became. In 1312, Kethswan III finally took the heavily fortified city of Menosca after a yearlong siege. But, it became apparent, he and his army would not be able to hold it. Therefore, he abandoned the city and retreated south, the campaign would never again push that far. Kethswan spent the last years of the war trying to hold onto his conquests along the Southern portion of the Riora River. But eventually after being persuaded by everyone in his inner circle, ended the campaign, and left the River Valley for good. The campaign was a huge failure, and over the course of it, caused much stress within the Empire. His governors back in Varangia spent much of the war putting down uprisings and rebellions. The once prosperous Empire was showing cracks. Fearing complete anarchy, The Emperors younger brother, Rethwess II seized the throne, ousting Kethswan III. The mentally shattered Kethswan III abdicated without a single instant of resistance. He was exiled and ended up living out his days as a recluse in the hills outside Satano, Jippon.


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