Tyr, God of Law and Justice in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Tyr, God of Law and Justice

Tyr is known for his duality, two forms; his eyes, one blind, one transfixed; symbolize that duality. A patron of those seeking to ensure justice is upheld throughout the land; judges, lawyers, magistrates and anyone with a sense of what is and should be right. There are no temples to Tyr, instead the buildings that protect, carry out and uphold the law are devoted to his name; his priests the arbitrators of the law. For this reason, oppressed folks seek out Tyr, hoping he will recognize the injustice imposed upon them, and rectify it. The Blind Tyr is the one we will all be judged by. Free from the influences of sight; justice is the focus, and with it the pursuit of equitable justice. The Toussaint Wardens are probably the most famous Paladin Order devoted to Tyr. Headquartered in Bassoint, they answer the call around Terrania to bring justice, and safety for those in need. But this is not the only personification of Tyr. For Tyr has another side. His left eye is blind to the world, but his right is locked in gaze with our world and its reckless injustice. As a result when Tyr covers his blind eye, Tyr takes on the form of Focused Tyr, and becomes the arbiter of retribution.


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