Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea and Trade in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea and Trade

Once dubbed the Bitch Queen for her malicious conduct upon the open sea, Umberlee has seemingly had a change of heart. In recent centuries, the seas have become much more tamed, and as a result sea travel is significantly safer. Rationality explains, folks tamed Umberlee through the rigorous pursuit of technological development. But for her faithful (The Aquamysta), it is she that tamed the seas for us. They say, we won over her favor through our devotion to her domain. Folk's conviction to persevere across the open water despite the dangers was an act of love; and Umberlee welcomed folks into her bosom. We are now her chosen, and we should endeavor to maintain our place. Regardless of what each individual believes, it is good practice to make offerings to Umberlee when venturing into her domain. Whether it be in her temples dotted along the coasts, or out in the open water. For, if you do not have her favor, the dangers are still very, very real.


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