War of the Crests Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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War of the Crests

This was a Tossaint conflict between various branches and cadet branches of the Morgineau-Remarquis royal line from 1397AC to 1443AC. Centuries of strategic marriages had created a very messy line of succession. Queen Louisa II had died without a legitimate Remarquis alive to inherit the throne. The conflict had been brewing for years, as potential claimants sabotaged any discussions of creating a clear line of succession. Thus, the region descended into chaos after her death. The strongest forces during the conflict were House Chalon, House Burgandum, House Layfonte, and House Mercoal. Many skirmishes were fought, but no one could gain the upper hand. In 1441, Louie of Chalon defeated the last Mercoal claimant in the Battle of Crecy Wood, clearing his path to the throne. Sensing an opportunity, Renee of Burgandum offered his daughter and sole living heir, to Louie as his wife. The combined powers of Chalon and Burgandum brought a close to the War of the Crests, with Louise I being crowned in 1443AC.


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