Athesne, Goddess of Knowledge & Magic Character in Terranon | World Anvil

Athesne, Goddess of Knowledge & Magic (uh-THEHZ-nuh)

The All-Knowing, The Lady of Wisdom, Keeper of the Infinite Library


Athesne is the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, studied magic, books, and language.   Knowledge, especially the written word, is to be discovered and protected at all costs Athesne believes that practice and study are the best way to master anything, and that while in-born talent is nice, it must be cultivated   Athesne believes that the law is a wonderful tool meant to guide society   Athesne believes that, while doing good is important, sometimes the right path involves doing things others would consider objectionable   


Athesne is typically portrayed as a kalashtar woman with soft brown hair, wearing a simple blue dress and carrying books and a wand.   Athesne is depicted as a quiet, calm, soft-spoken goddess. She does not tend to overtly meddle in the affairs of mortals, although her church claims that she sometimes shares her wisdom through dreams or the written word. Despite being aloof, she is known as a goddess of great patience and wisdom.   


Athesne is the daughter of Rhemnys and Loreali, the sister of Sephira and Steyfano   Athesne tends to keep to herself. The deities she is most commonly associated with are Loreali and Caelus. Her two more adventurous siblings often try to drag her out, but she would much rather spend time with her books.    


Athesne’s holy symbol is an arrow and a wand crossed over an open book   Athesne’s colors are blue and silver   Athesne’s favored weapon is the staff   Among Athesne’s other symbols are books, owls, and pens
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The All-Knowing, The Lady of Wisdom, Keeper of the Infinite Library
Divine Domains
Arcana, Knowledge, Light

Deities of Terranon