Celebrity Adventurer’s Scion

Your family name strikes fear and admiration in the hearts of the common folk — but that’s got nothing to do with you. Songs and stories celebrating the adventuring exploits of your famous parent are widely known. Kids across the land grew up wishing they were you. But being the child of a famous adventurer wasn’t all hugs and kisses.   You seldom saw your celebrity-adventurer parent, and when they were around, it was all about them and tales of slaying this demon or vanquishing that dragon. All too often, you’d be woken out of a sound sleep by someone standing outside your home screaming about the latest threat to the town, the region, or the world.   In the end, all you have to show for your lineage is your name. Most of the family’s money went for consumables, from potions of healing and spell scrolls to copious amounts of dwarven ale. And everyone expects you to swing a sword or sling spells like your famous forebear, making it doubly hard for you to prove yourself.

Feature: Name Dropping

You know and have met any number of powerful people across the land — and some of them might even remember you. You might be able to wrangle minor assistance from a major figure in the campaign, at the DM’s discretion. Additionally, the common folk treat you with deference, and your heritage and the stories you tell might be good for a free meal or a place to sleep.

Suggested Characteristics

Scions of celebrity adventurers must deal with fame that’s not theirs, wealth they didn’t earn, and expectations they can never hope to meet. These hardships can have adverse effects, but those who cope with them can arrive at a decent attitude and a grounded worldview. Those who fail become bitter — or worse.

Backgrounds & Professions

Skill Proficiencies

Perception, Performance

Tool Proficiencies

Disguise kit


Two of your choice

Starting Equipment

Disguise kit, a set of fine clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp

Suggested Lifestyle
