Combat Primer

Combat Primer

  Most D&D games use a physical battle map in order to represent monster encounters with a mind for allowing many powers that are space, distance, or movement related to be effective in combat. Terranon will use a mixture of battle maps and theater of the mind based on the context of the situation  

Theater of the Mind

Most small engagements will be done via narrative description and theater of the mind. Movement powers, area of effect spells, etc., will be represented to the best of the storyteller’s ability in context of the scene. Ranges, distances, etc., will be noted as part of the player and storyteller combat templates.  

Battle Maps

For certain pre-arranged scenes, large combat nights, etc., we will use a battle map and Discord’s “stage” feature to broadcast that map. Current proposed map tools are Owlbear Rodeo and World Anvil Whiteboard as needed to show battle maps using a grid system.  

Combat Scenes

Players are expected to be on discord voice channels for their game nights if at all possible in order to ask and answer questions rapidly and keep the flow of the scene moving quickly.   Initiative will be handled in a series of main “phases”, such as “20+”, “16-20”, “11-15”, “6-10”, and “1-5”. Players will have five minutes of real time from the storyteller round posting to post their combat template. A player who misses their time slot may either act in a lower initiative pass or will have passed for the round if they miss all initiative passes. A reaction can be taken during an initiative phase in which a player normally doesn’t have an action.  

Storyteller NPC Template with ranges (Before combat)

  This is an example Theater of the Mind template that storytellers will use once combat has started and surprise rounds have been adjudicated so that players know who and what is attacking them from where.  
Melee Range (within reach)
Close Range (under 30ft - within a standard move action)
Long Range (under 60ft - within a standard dash action)
Far Range (over 60ft - requires multiple move actions to reach)
Close (Under 30ft - 25ft away):
HP	[Initiative] Descriptive Name (AC)
5/5	A [16]Kobold with a Toothy Maw (AC 12)
5/5	A [15]Kobold with a Red Jacket (AC 12)
5/5	A [14]Kobold with a Spiked Club (AC 12)
Long (under 60ft - 45ft away)
5/5	A [13]Kobold with a Dirty Hat (AC 12)
Far (over 60 ft - 85 ft away):
5/5	A [12]Kobold with a Hand Crossbow (AC 12)

Player Combat Template example (Initiative 18+)

Players are expected to change their name to the following format
[Initiative] Name (AC)
Players are expected to explicitly call out their actions, attacks, and damage.   Players are expected to use the server channel for all dice rolls unless explicit permission has been given by the Storyteller in that scene   In this example, John is a level 2 Human Fighter with the Polearm Master feat.  
[18]John Smith (AC 15) uses his action to draw his halberd and charge 25ft to the Toothy Maw
Kobold, swinging wildly! (14 attack, 4 bludgeoning). He then uses his bonus action to hit the
Red Jacket Kobold with the butt of the weapon (12 attack, 2 bludgeoning) and action surges
to hit Spiked Club Kobold with a critical hit! (25 attack, 16 damage)]

Storyteller Combat Template Example (Initiative 12+)

The storyteller then resolves player actions and handles the NPC actions within that initiative range.  
Melee (Within Reach):
HP	[Initiative] Descriptive Name (AC)
1/5	A [16]Kobold with a Toothy Maw (AC 12)
3/5	A [15]Kobold with a Red Jacket (AC 12)
0/5	A [14]Kobold with a Spiked Club (AC 12)
5/5	A [13]Kobold with a Dirty Hat (AC 12)
Long (under 60ft - 35ft away):
5/5	A [12]Kobold with a Hand Crossbow (AC 12)
Toothy Maw Kobold attacks John, rolling a 5, but misses!
Red Jacket Kobold attacks John, rolling a 16, and hits for 4 bludgeoning!
Spiked Club Kobold tries to attack, but is knocked out before he can act!
Dirty Hat Kobold moves 20ft to attack John, rolling a 17, and hits for 4 bludgeoning!
Hand Crossbow Kobold attacks John, rolling a 5, and misses!The kobold
moves forward 25’, but is still in long range.

Player Combat Template Example (Reaction)

Players will then have a chance to react to the NPCs.   Note that if John would have hit the Dirty Hat Kobold and killed him, the 4 bludgeoning damage that it did to him on its initiative wouldn’t count.  
[18]John Smith (AC 15) uses his reaction to hit Dirty Hat Kobold with his
halberd, but misses! (nat 1 attack)

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