Dashiell Mitera
Dashiell Mitera is the captain of the ship known as The Broken King. He is a tall, broad, imposing man with long blond hair and brassy skin. His voice matches his stature; he is loud and booming, with a mirthful laugh. He is always dressed in some outlandish fashion -- brightly colored brocades, scarves of all varieties, a massive assortment of jewelry. He is quick to laugh and slow to anger, although when he does get mad, the sight is somewhat terrifying to behold.
Dashiell is a devout follower of Lucetius, a bard with a great deal of talent in storytelling, and he spends most of his days sailing between ports with whatever cargo he and his crew can rustle up. He is deeply devoted to both his ship and his crewmates Kahlid and Aredia, with whom he has an easy open relationship. Nobody knows exactly how long Dashiell has been sailing; each time someone asks is met with another outlandish story -- but then, most questions he gets asked are met with outlandish stories.