
Unlike its southern neighbor, dueling in Eisen is illegal, and frowned upon by many. That isn’t to say that dueling doesn’t occur, especially if tempers run hot, and many Rooks will turn a blind eye as long as both parties are following The Code Mensur. These duels are held in walled gardens, club gymnasiums, back alleys, and private yards away from prying eyes.   Duels in Eisen are not public events, though some “duels” are in reality little better than arena or pit fights. These “duels” are illegal events where attendees place bets on the winner.   One of the few places where dueling is accepted publicly and without question is the Temple of Eriu, where dueling is considered a religious practice. Duels here are not hotheaded personal conflicts, but tests of skill among regular devotees.   The nobility are the most likely to get themselves into duels, but members of any class can meet to settle disagreements in the dueling ring.

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