Failed Merchant

Maybe you come from a long line of merchants. Perhaps you were an entrepreneur. Regardless, your ventures ended poorly. Whether it was because of outside influences, bad luck, or simply because your business acumen was weak, you lost everything.   With failure, however, comes experience. You’re free of that old life, having made some connections and learned your lessons. Prepared to pursue the life of an adventurer, your insight into the world of commerce brought you into the sphere of Acquisitions Incorporated — and a franchise just might be in your future.

Feature: Supply Chain

From your time as a merchant, you retain connections with wholesalers, suppliers, and other merchants and entrepreneurs. You can call upon these connections when looking for items or information.

Suggested Characteristics

Being a merchant involved having a head for numbers, a strong personality, the ability to make deals with hostile adversaries, a strong sword arm to fight off bandits, and the intuition for knowing what people want and need. The art of business is the art of finding the best path to profit, and that path might be different with each transaction. It takes a strong mind and a stronger stomach to succeed. So why did you fail?

Backgrounds & Professions

Skill Proficiencies

Investigation, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies

One type of artisan’s tools


Any one of your choice

Starting Equipment

One set of artisan’s tools, merchant’s scale, a set of fine clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Suggested Lifestyle
