
Although these works aren't directly related to Terrannon: Elementals and Engines, your staff has taken inspiration from the following works in their writing and we recommend them to you, the players, to get inspiration for your characters.  

Movies / TV Shows


This series mixes arcane technology and how it applies to Victorian class dynamics very well. A large part of this series focuses on how disruptive new technologies are and how that effects both upper and lower class societies.


While the setting is slightly too early because it's Regency, not Victorian, this series highlights nobility and upper class expectations, focusing on scandals, romance, and relationships.

Carnival Row

A Victorian Fantasy filled with mythological creatures, Carnival Row is a victorian horror drama filled with magic and romance.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The characters in this movie are characters from popular fiction from the Victorian era (the Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, Captain Nemo, etc) and while many of the inspirations are Steampunk, you can still take inspiration from the pulp adventure style.

Les Miserables

Set in Victorian Era France, this movie is about social norms, morals, and expectations in a society that is rapidly changing, while fighting to make the world better. While Terranon is more pulp adventure, this movie focuses on the plight of the poor and working class.

The Mummy

Although this movie is set in 1920, this is a classic 'exploring ruins' / 'archaeology dig' of a type that was common in the Victorian era. We took inspiration from the magic, puzzles, and adventure of this movie.

Sense and Sensibility

Another movie with the same themes as the Bridgertons.


A world where magic is common, with pirates in flying airships, witches, and the magic of true love, Stardust is the premier example of a classic adventure story.


His Majesty's Dragon

An alternate history set during the Napoleonic wars, this novel explores the aerial military tactics of dragons.

Elemental Magic

A series of books that focuses on magic in every day life, each book covers a different facet of society or country during the Victorian era.

A Natural History of Dragons

A Victoriana story that highlights adventure and inquisitive spirit.

Spicy Adventures

A collection of Robert E. Howard's stories published in pulp magazine Spicy-Adventure Stories that specialized in such things.

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Your Primary Storytellers

  • Lana - Adventurers & Arcane Practioners
  • Jake - Underworld & Working Class
  • JP - Religion & Merchants
  • Troy - Nobility & Politics