Kahlid Niadithen

Kahlid Niadithen is the first mate of the merchant ship The Broken King. He is a dark-haired, dark-eyed tiefling, tall and lanky, with a seemingly permanent sardonic smile. He tends to be rather lazy, lounging about on deck unless he is truly needed, preferring to use his sharp wit and sharper tongue than to utilize his not-inconsiderable skills as a swordsman.     Originally hailing from Avalon, Kahlid has been part of the ship’s crew for nearly a decade, joining when he was a freshly graduated cadet from the Avalonian Naval Academy. He and his fiancee, Aredia, are in an open relationship with Captain Dashiell Mitera, and the three enjoy a somewhat idyllic life of sailing and adventure, traveling wherever the winds happen to take them.