NPC Etiquette

Personal NPCs are often used as a way to fill out a PC’s family, friends, or important individuals in their lives that the player does not need the Storyteller to run. These interactions are not plot-related and are primarily used for personal social interaction.   When running a personal NPC, please keep the following in mind:  
  • These scenes should be entirely player-run and social in nature and should not need any Storyteller intervention
  • Personal NPCs should be kept primarily in the location where they were created for (home, business, etc)
  • Unless the focus of the scene is one-on-one interaction between your NPC and PC (or a small group of consenting PCs), personal NPCs should remain as part of the background or used to set up a PC interaction (ie, a sibling chaperone accompanying a PC, a servant bringing a character to the PC’s location, or a companion bringing in food and then leaving)
  • Personal NPCs should not interact with game/plot or Storyteller-run scenes and, if accompanying your PC, should stay in the background
  • Your PC should always be part of any scene your personal NPC is in, they should never be on their own as an individual

  • While NPCs can be an important part of a character’s life, the focus of our game is on the PCs and this will allow our PCs to be the stars of the show. If you’re unsure about an interaction you would like to run for your personal NPC, please feel free to contact a Storyteller.

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