Rhodena, Deity of Nature Character in Terranon | World Anvil

Rhodena, Deity of Nature (row-DEN-uh)

Creator of All That Grows, Ruler of the Elements, The Lady of Perseverance, The Green One


Rhodena is the deity of nature, the elements, animals, plants, the seasons   Rhodena believes that technology is a sin against nature, and much prefers the untainted areas of the world   The concepts of law and order, good and evil, mean nothing to Rhodena. Nature is without morality.  


  Rhodena is most often shown as a genasi of any gender, their form as mutable as the seasons; they are sometimes shown with fur, feathers, claws, or the bright eyes of an animal, or depicted wholly as a wolf, bear, stag, or some other wild creature.    Rhodena is a merciless, almost feral deity. Nature may be tranquil, but nature can also be volatile and destructive, and so too is Rhodena. Their followers tend to be equally as wild, and Rhodena encourages them to follow their truest selves. They rarely speak, choosing to communicate to both mortals and the other deities through signs, symbols, or growls.   


Rhodena is the sibling of Fodla   Rhodena barely deigns to join the other deities in their gatherings, preferring to spend their time alone with their animals and plants. Fodla and Gorath are the two deities that spend the most time with them, though even that is rare  


Rhodena’s holy symbol is a quartered circle -- one quarter shows fire, one water, one wind, and one leaves   Rhodena’s colors are dark green and brown   Rhodena’s favored weapon is the greatclub   Among Rhodena’s other symbols are clouds, insects, leaves, trees, and bears
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Creator of All That Grows, Ruler of the Elements, The Lady of Perseverance, The Green One
Divine Domains
Nature, Tempest

Deities of Terranon