Sephira, Goddess of Night & Adventure Character in Terranon | World Anvil

Sephira, Goddess of Night & Adventure (sef-EAR-uh)

The Eternal Damsel, The Starry-Eyed Psychopomp, Heaven-Keeper, The Lady of Courage


Sephira is the goddess of the night, adventure, music, travels, and freedom   Sephira believes that the law, while built with good intent, can only ever be a tool for oppression. Each person must discover their own best path   Sephira believes wholeheartedly in kindness, generosity, fairness, and love, and actively takes an interest in thwarting those who would seek to harm or subjugate others  


  Sephira is depicted as a young, tall individual, typically female-presented (but not always) dressed in historical adventuring gear, often with a backpack or walking stick. Her purple eyes seem to reflect the stars   Sephira is full of boundless optimism, curiosity, and the drive to discover. She is the epitome of wanderlust, always on the hunt for new stories and new adventures. She is said to spend much of her time wandering the mortal realms in disguise, speaking with people and learning about them. She is kind, full of humor and mischief, but is also a fierce warrior in defense of others.   


Sephira is the daughter of Rhemnys and Loreali, sister of Steyfano and Athesne, wife of Nicodemus, and mother of Kallias   Sephira is incredibly friendly and has good relations with most of the gods, with the very notable exception of Akmon, who has been pursuing her for years and has actively hurt most of her family in his attempts. She loves nothing more than spending time with her husband and her children -- she has taken to being mother-in-law of sorts to Elowyn and Eosphorus with ease, much to Kallias's delight.   


Sephira’s holy symbol is a crescent moon surrounded by seven stars   Sephira’s colors are purple and white   Sephira’s favored weapon is the warhammer   Among Sephira’s other symbols are bats, compasses, stars, and walking sticks
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Eternal Damsel, The Starry-Eyed Psychopomp, Heaven-Keeper, The Lady of Courage
Female (ususally)
Divine Domains
Peace, Trickery, Twilight

Deities of Terranon