The Academy of Adventuring Arts

Sprung from the patronage of the Adventurer's Guild, The Academy is an open application school for adventurers, teaching arts and skills useful for exploration. The Academy focuses on honing the skills of adult learners rather than children, though that doesn't tend to stop shenanigans from occurring.   In addition, it offers degrees in law, business, literature, medicine, and more. Programs are four years in length, though many students do stay longer if they want to study multiple subjects.   For those seeking education on adventuring arts or specialty skills, these classes are generally singular or a small run of two or three connected courses and can be signed up for even by non-students. These courses are purchased per class.   A sampling of available courses includes, but is not limited to:
  • Survival skills in the wilderness
  • Spell craft (particularly for wizards, sorcerers, etc)
  • Fighting skills for dangerous exploration areas
  • Common beasts of the wilderness
  • Animal handling
  • Herbalism and potion making

  • Many of these specialized classes are held with adjunct from the guilds as needed/necessary.


    While the lutrin, Idelee Meyer, serves as the president of the university, she sits with an equal vote on the University board which has representatives from several areas of the Adventurer's Guild proper. The board features one member of each profession the guild is known for (wizards, fighters, etc ).  Together, they vote on university admissions with an eye toward sponsoring those who would never otherwise make it into the Academia Casus.


    Due to its egalitarian nature and admissions, the AAA is often a bit more chaotic than a staid institutions of learning. While all are at least nominally welcomed though like any organization, it is not without its student politics and cliques. Still, the odd mix of races and classes in the student body leads the campus to a bit more of a raucous nature. Like the Academia Casus, the AAA offers courses in general knowledge as well as magic, fighting arts, and other adventuring skills.

    Public Agenda

    To offer education and training in the arts of adventuring and knowledge to all who seek it.
    Founding Date
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Controlled Territories
    Related Species

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