The Association of Bankers and Moneylenders

Banks, loans, investment, and insurance

The Association handles all matters of pure finance -- banks, loans, investment, and insurance.



The sitting Guildmaster is a human named Simon Marius of the Argent Quill. Simon is a kind man who does not speak often, but when he does, the rest of the guild stops to listen. He is a brilliant investor and is fervently against predatory financial practices; he also works very hard to balance out the tempers of his other two guild leads.

Guild Representative

The Association’s representative to the Council of Guilds is a tiefling named Sayf Qaymaz al-Rumi. Sayf is a master coinsmith with a wicked, dry sense of humor. He loves posing riddles and hypotheticals to the other guild representatives, something that tends to drive other people a bit mad.

Guild Administrator

The guild administrator at current is Meghan Oriana, a dwarven woman who specializes in bookkeeping. Meghan is quiet and jolly, but with a no-nonsense attitude and a slightly fiery temper.

Guild Structure and Ranks

Apprentice: Apprentice bankers go through an intense education concerning the theories of economics, international trade, personal finance, appraisal techniques, and investment, as well as more practical courses on arithmetic, bookkeeping, and organization. Apprentices must be in at least their third year of study before they are even allowed to interact with actual currency.   Journeyer: Guild journeyers serve as bookkeepers, accountants, banking assistants, financiers -- most of the middle management type of work. Journeyers are subject to quarterly inspections, wherein their books and accounts are inspected and they are subject to magical lie detection to confirm their honesty in their work.   Master: Association Masters are the owners of private banks, appraisers, investment firms, and the like, and often have their hands in governmental finance, watching the ebb and flow of Eisen economics. Masters are subject to yearly inspections and honesty checks.   Mastery Exam: Mastery in the Association is extremely difficult to come by, partly because of the rigorous examination, in which the applicant is tested on everything from investment strategies to weights of metals to theories of global economics, but also because of the extremely strict code of ethics Masters are held to, emphasizing honesty in all of their dealings.


The Association is extremely strict and focuses heavily on integrity and honesty in their practice. However, every member of the guild, from guild leadership to the newest apprentice, is treated with absolute respect and courtesy. Mistakes, if honest, are corrected and the experience used as a learning opportunity. Intentional dishonesty, embezzlement, and other crimes, however, are dealt with in the harshest methods possible.   Patron God: Barasios  

Guild Symbols

Guild members wear pins or other jewelry in the shape of a bar of metal, which is copper, silver, or gold depending on rank.  

Guild House Description

The Novandria guild house is surprisingly understated, with simple but well-appointed rooms for guests, small meeting rooms, and a dining hall that specializes in luxury cuisine. The main portion of the guild hall, however, lies underground, where extremely secure vaults hold the Association’s vast array of treasures.

Public Agenda

The Association monitors coin weights, appraises items, runs banks, helps investors, and generally oversees the financial aspects of Eisen life.


The guild, with no surprise, has one of the largest amounts of wealth of any organization in the nation.


The Association was once a part of the Goldsmiths, and the two guilds still share many associates. Bankers also often have workers who are members of the Clerks or Barristers guilds on staff.
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Banker's Guild
Banker, Moneylender, Penny Pincher (der)
Controlled Territories
Patron God
Barasios   Guild Symbol
Bar of metal