The Eisen Metalworkers Association

Metal cookware, industrial metal, gears, pipes and plumbing, valves, needles, nails

The EMA creates all metalwork which does not otherwise fall under the Armorers or Tinkerers guilds. Pots and other metal cookware, industrial metal (siding, support beams), gears, pipes and plumbing, valves, needles, nails, and blacksmithed goods are all among the items created by the guild.



The guildmaster is an older centaur male by the name of Casedus Thanetes. Casedus makes horseshoes, and ONLY horseshoes. However, his horseshoes are easily the best horseshoes in all of Eisen, sought after by centaurs and horse owners alike. Through his dedication to the perfection of this relatively simple item of a blacksmith’s repertoire, Casedus has elevated the creation of horseshoes to an art. Casedus brings this dedication to the leadership of the guild, and is an avid proponent that even the simplest and most mundane of items can be crafted with artistic skill. Casedus has been guildmaster for the past 5 terms, and there is some muttering that he is not keeping up with the change to the craft in recent years.

Guild Representative

The current guild representative is Cait Greyforge, a no-nonsense dwarven woman. Cait is what she likes to call a “traditional village blacksmith” and turns out everything from nails to pipes from her forge. She’s also been known to complain, loudly, about the split of the Weapons & Armory guild and maintains that such items should have remained under the EMA. This has caused some acrimony between the two guilds and she is not favored to retain the seat when her three year term expires.

Guild Administrator

The current guild administrator is a human named George. If George has a last name, he never uses it. Everyone knows “George the Metalworker,” as he is the leading expert on industrial scale metalworks. His knowledge of this craft has become invaluable during the eletech revolution as mass production of many different types of metal items has become necessary to support the growth of other industries, and cities, and countries.   George has also applied his knowledge of production line processing to the internal running and administration of the guild. He may be single-handedly responsible for how the guild has been able to pivot away from small scale artisans servicing a village to massive industrial operations which serve the needs of a city, or entire country. This has kept the guild relevant, but some wonder if it is at the cost of the guild’s soul.

Guild Structure and Ranks

Apprentice: Apprentices are often jokingly referred to as ‘tongs,’ since it is usually their job to hold a piece of metal steady for a journeyer or master. These days, apprentices are required to learn both traditional blacksmithing techniques as well as industrial production.   Journeyer: Journeyers are often jokingly referred to as “Hammers,” for while they have advanced to shaping metal, it is with a blunt instrument. Journeyers may pick a specialty, but most feel that it is best to know all the metalworker trades inside and out. Those that wish to retire to be a simple blacksmith in a village somewhere often remain Adept Journeyers.   Master: Masters are often referred to as “Forgemaster” in recognition that it is the heat from the forge that allows metal to be shaped and purified, as they shape their journeyers and apprentices.   Mastery Exam: The Mastery exam for the guild is in two parts. The first is a lengthy oral exam given by three guild masters other than the candidate’s own. This exam is extensive and detailed, going over everything from the melting points of various metals and alloys to the best technique for producing sewing needles on an industrial scale. After the oral has been passed, the candidate must forge a list of randomly selected items for the three masters judging, so that they may observe their technique and the quality of the finished items.


For the most part, the EMA is fairly strict. In traditional blacksmithing, a mistake can cause severe injury, and in new industrial operations, a mistake or carelessness can result in death. Masters therefore do not allow any foolishness in the smithy, and expect their orders to be followed immediately and without question for the safety of all involved. Outside the guildhalls and production centers, this attitude is relaxed enough to allow the sharing of a drink, but there is still a formality and respect between the ranks.   Patron God: Rhemnys  

Guild Symbols

The symbol of the EMA is a crossed hammer and tongs, and this is often embossed or carved into the leather aprons or smithing gloves of members of the guild. Members may also choose to wear a pin or necklace with the symbol, in copper for apprentices, silver for journeyers, and gold for Masters.  

Guild House Description

The Novandrian guildhouse is in the industrial section of the city, where the smoke and fires of the trade are not an offense to nicer areas of town. It is a space in transition, as nearby are several of the factories which now make industrial scale metalworks, while in the warehouses of the guild proper there are still traditional forges and workshops. A separate stand-alone building holds offices, apartments, and a cafeteria free to guild members.

Public Agenda

The EMA has had to pivot in recent years away from small scale bespoke production to large mass produced industrial parts. Those members of the guild who have accepted this new reality have done well, while those who have clung to the old ways increasingly find themselves irrelevant in larger cities where mass produced goods are available.


While not a rich guild, the Metalworkers produce items that are key components for the eletech revolution. Cogs, nails, pipes, and other such items are in high demand and a savvy person, such as George, can use this as leverage.


The Weapons and Armorsmiths guild was a part of the EMA up until about 100 years ago, and many members of the guild see the splitting off of these trades into a separate guild as the start of all the changes which have plagued them in recent years. Some have shrugged and moved on. Some, like Cait, hold a grudge older than they themselves are.
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
Patron God
Rhemnys   Guild Symbols
Crossed hammer and tongs