The Fellowship of Tailors, Clothiers, and Haberdashers

Clothing creation nad sewing notions

The Fellowship encompasses all clothing creation, from the most elaborate dresses and suits to laborer’s uniforms. In addition, most sellers of buttons, thread, patterns, and other sewing notions also fall under this guild’s purview.



The current Guildmaster is Timothy Revouler, a male half-elf in middle-age. While Master Revouler does not craft often himself, his knowledge and taste in matters of fashion have kept him in the Guildmaster’s seat for nearly two decades.

Guild Representative

The Fellowship’s representative to the Council of Guilds is Miuccia Cardin, an ama’il aasimar with renowned skills in corsetry.

Guild Administrator

The Fellowship’s administrator is a halfling woman named Estella von Furstenburg, who specializes in couture dressmaking.

Guild Structure and Ranks

Apprentice: Apprentices are known as seamers -- though many journeyers refer to them as needle-pushers -- as they are learning the construction of garments Journeyer: Journeyers are referred to as outfitters; a journeyer should be able to construct garments wholecloth. Master: A Master in the Fellowship earns the title of couturier, showing their knowledge and skill in custom garments.   Mastery Exam: A journeyer must design, construct, and present a collection of no less than six complete outfits, from skin out, two outfits in the style of each gender.


The Fellowship tends to be rather exacting and precise in their culture, with most workshops running like well-oiled machines. However, members of the guild are also prone to trying to outdo each other with their fashions, attempting to be the most stylish, the brightest, the shiniest, etc.   Patron God: Akmon  

Guild Symbols

Apprentices are forbidden from wearing all but the most simple of garments, adorned only by the crossed needle motif of the guild in black thread, presented to them by their Master. Indeed, these items are the first that an apprentice learns to make on their own. Upon reaching journeyer status, the Master presents their former apprentice with a full wardrobe of working clothes for their new station, adorned with several crossed needles in silver, as well as at least a suit or gown for formal occasions, although many Masters gift their newly-graduated pupils with additional pieces. One who has passed their Mastery exam is presented with a new suit or gown, of the highest quality materials and richly adorned, as well as a sash of rank embroidered all over with the crossed needles in golden thread.  

Guild House Description

The guild house of the Fellowship sits in the merchant district. On the surface, it appears to be a large, sunny building. The guild hall has lodging for members, several small rooms for meeting with clients for fittings, and expansive underground workshops and storage facilities.

Public Agenda

The Fellowship oversees the construction and sale of garments, both ready-made and couture. In addition, they regulate disputes between members and the public, watch for those who would sell garments of poor quality, and are at the forefront of new trends in fashion.   Currently, the rise in mass-produced, cheap fabrics have both the Tailors and Weavers guilds up in arms, and the two guilds have joined forces to place emphasis on the importance and luxury of couture fashion made with the best quality materials.


The guild has many trade connections across Europa. There is a deep rivalry between the Fellowship and the Costumier’s Guild of Montaigne.
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
The Fellowship, Tailor's Guild
Tailor, Clothier, Haberdasher
Patron God
Akmon   Guild Symbols
Crossed Needles