The Lapis Fellowship of Artisans

Sculpting, Painting, Fine studio arts



Casrius - non-binary tiefling
Casrius, or Cas, is a former warlock turned artisan after deciding they no longer wanted to be in a demonic pact. The breaking of their deal left them no vision but a surprisingly heightened sense of touch that has made them a prolific and sought after master sculptor. Cas is a typical artist in that they care little about organization and everything about art but they are passionate enough - and smart enough to have a strong administrator - that the guild manages nonetheless. Cas’ greatest strength is their passion for artistic innovation which has revitalized the guild’s exhibitions in recent years.

Guild Representative

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Anne Blackthorn - This tiny gnome has all the social grace, charisma, and warm charm that Cas and Mercutio lack. She makes the perfect liaison to the other guilds - and the fact that she holds several artistic specialties doesn’t hurt either. Anne is a Master not only in the Lapis Fellowship, but also holds Mastery in the guild of fiber arts.

Guild Administrator

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No one is entirely certain if Mercutio Blackapple even -does- art but the older male elf certainly keeps the guild both in coin and organized and running efficiently. Sharp-tongued and keen of eye, he ensures that all the crazy artists manage to actually get paid for their work.

Guild Structure and Ranks

Apprentice: Due to the varied arts covered in the Fellowship, apprentices are asked to pick a broad specialty (two-dimension, three dimensional, etc) in order to be matched with teachers. Apprentices spend much of their time learning anatomy, perspective, color theory, and other areas of artistic theory.   Journeyer: Journeyers work primarily in their preferred field, and typically create generic pieces of art for general purchase by lesser nobles and the middle class. Occasionally, a journeyer will be hired to do a custom piece by an individual who may not be able to afford the price of a Master’s work. Journeyers also help their Masters by doing basic work on large or custom pieces, such as preparing a canvas or block of marble.   Master: Most Masters spend their time creating custom pieces for wealthy clients, often portraits, murals, or statuary. Because of the lengthy process of creating such works, Masters can have a waitlist of up to a decade for a client to get their commissioned art.   Mastery Exam: Masters are expected to be able to test for their specialized area and are asked to also test as a journeyer in a second, related area. For example, a sculptor of statues might also present a bas relief piece. In this way, the guild ensures its masters are well rounded and capable of working with multiple types of students.


The Lapis Fellowship is fairly casual in its internal workings, however it takes the patronage and hiring of artisans extremely seriously. While the internal rankings may be largely ignored in social interactions, they are certainly not ignored in commissions of art work. Each commission the guild receives is slotted toward journeyer or masters depending on the quality needed - or the price paid. A heated bidding contest then occurs with artisans offering conceptual work to meet the needs of that commission and the final arbiter being a juried selection by the masters and patron. While this can seem cut throat to the outsider, it encourages guild members to always work to their best ability and the Guild Master and administrator ensure that no master or journeyer is given too much work (or credit).   In addition to this process, the guild also holds a quarterly lottery for gallery presentations. Journeyers are allotted two galleries and masters three galleries out of the guild house’s available five. These exhibitions are open to the public and serve to increase patronage of individual artisans and the guild as a whole.   Due to the varied nature of the Fellowship, many of its members are also masters or journeyers in other, more specific, guilds.   Patron God: Loreali  

Guild Symbols

The Lapis Fellowship wears a blue arm band, sash, or belt with the guild’s emblem of a flame upon it. For Apprentices the flame is copper, silver for Journeyers, and gold for Masters. Masters also set their flame with a stone of lapis lazuli or a star sapphire.  

Guild House Description

The Fellowship’s guild house is located on guild house row. It is a greek neo-classic building with numerous galleries inside for exhibition displays from its artisan members.

Public Agenda

While not every art piece in Eisen is created by the guild, many are. The guild serves as a liaison between patrons and artisans and also works to foster the arts in Eisen. They hold regular public art exhibitions and classes for the hobbyist.


The guilds assets vary greatly from year to year as much of their work depends on patronage.
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
Artisan's Guild
Patron God
Loreali   Guild Symbol