The Syndicate (SIN-de-ket)

(Das Syndikat)

The Syndicate covers all aspects of crime from petty theft to prostitution to contract murder.



“Gentleman” Jakob Wellmen, a lutrin, currently commands the Syndicate. He rose to power by a cunning blend of political savvy both in Courts and on the streets, as well as not being afraid to break a few legs along the way. He is calm, calculating, and absolutely rigid about the control he maintains through his Syndics over the Guild.

Structure and Ranks

Apprentice: What other guilds might call an apprentice, the Syndicate refers to as an Informant. Many low level criminals and thugs never make it past this point, or even really know there are points beyond. Only those who demonstrate a level of trust and competence are invited to become an Associate.   Journeyer: The Syndicate’s bread-and-butter membership are the Associates. It would not be unusual to find everything from a brothel madame to a pack of “second floor thieves" among this rank of the organization. Promotion from an Associate often comes sparingly - one must earn the trust of their betters and be a proven, trustworthy, and reliable sort. Often, those who are willing to put the Syndicate’s needs before their own earn that kind of trust.   Master: Most who reach the level of Master and become one of the Blades of the Syndicate are those who have devoted their lifetime to crime and to the organization itself. Often, these criminals have done time inside an Eisen prison and despite the Rook’s best efforts, have not broken or spilled any secrets of the organization. Blades tend to be some of the most deadly criminals out there - dark wizards, assassins, and the like.   Those Blades who demonstrate their loyalty, dedication, and initiative often become Syndics, the right hand of the Shadow, Jakob Wellman.   Mastery Exam: In order to become a Blade of the Syndicate, the criminal must have spent some time behind bars and done their time correctly - without endangering the organization. From there, a Syndic will assign them a job - and often one of the harder ones, such as an assassination or espionage. The prospective Blade is given a handful of associates and informants to accomplish the job and then turned loose - no further help will be given. Failure often brings death, given the dangerous nature of the job itself, but success brings the accolades of the Syndics and membership among the Blades.   Syndics are personally chosen by Wellman according to his needs and their proven loyalty.


The Syndicate is absolutely rigid about the bonds of loyalty and expectation within the organization. The ‘charter’ of the organization, which anyone who is an Associate or better knows by heart is:   Harm Not the Innocent
While criminals, the Syndicate conducts itself in a manner of dark nobility. Blades are not to harm children, true clerics, etc. Syndicate actions should never incur “collateral damages”   Tip Not the Scales
As a predator among prey, the Syndicate understands that if it overbalances any one part of society, the whole will fall on them. This proscription covers everything from not accepting contracts of major government officials to leaving weregild behind when contracts on lower class Eisenvolk require their death.   Honor the Bond
Once a Blade has accepted a contract, it is as good as done. It may happen in a night, a week, or a year - but it will happen. As part of honoring the bond between the Syndicate and its employer, a current contract holder cannot be targeted for elimination. Further, a Blade will only ever serve one contract at a time.   Honor the Dark
To breach the secrecy of the Syndicate is to court Death. As a result, the Syndicate operates at various levels and cells where an individual member may not know who stands above them in the organization until they need to know.   Patron God: Steyfano  

Guild Symbols

A common symbol that might be worn as a tattoo or carved in the corner of a sewer to indicate the direction to a local hangout would be a black snake, usually depicted in a coil and some version of a “C” shape, as if joined around the handle of a mug.  

Guild House Description

None publically available.

Public Agenda

Perhaps obviously, The Syndicate does not hold any official role within Eisen.


While not necessarily theirs, the Syndicate has access to a wide array of wealth and magic items, knowing where such things can be “borrowed” from for a time easily.
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
Thieves' Guild, Assassin's Guild
Syndic, Assasssin, Thief, Criminal, Dic (der)
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Patron God
Steyfano   Guild Symbols
Black Snake

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