Time of Troubles: Updated Short and Long Rest Rules


  At present, TE exists in a “shotgun” nature where there is no reason to avoid using every tool, ability, spell, etc since long rests occur each night. This forces higher and higher escalation and results in our game being over-tuned for the system which allows no room for meaningful conflict, risk, or choice.   The goal in this is to provide meaning to choices. Is this the right time to cast XYZ spell or use this ability? Is this the time that it means the most?   ICly, Something is already making resurrections harder. Jake’s April game will revolve around attempting, and failing, to stop a ritual that affects the very weave of magic  

Setting Changes

  A long rest will occur on the first of every month. A short rest can occur weekly or at the discretion of the Storyteller over a given scene.  

Side Quests

  Side quests exist in a sort of time-floop nature and are not affected by this. It will be up to the person running the side quest if a long rest occurred (such as due to long travel to get to the place) or if characters are using their current, spent, sheets.  


  Attuning to an item requires a narratively appropriate amount of time that can be done between games and not mid-game except with explicit approval of the person in charge of the scene.  

Prepared Spell Lists

  Prepared spell lists may be changed once daily, instead of once per Long Rest. It is important to note that spell SLOTS do not return until the long rest.  

Flavor use / Ritual Casting

  Characters may use abilities and such during flavor scenes outside of game; in character, the use of those powers is harder and slower or requires ritual casting where it did not before. Ritual casting is the justification for things like downtime crafting, midweek actions, etc, even if a spell does not normally have the ritual casting tag.   If a spell is having a mechanical benefit, such as healing, it cannot be ritually cast. Casting a teleportation spell, while a mechanical benefit of movement, can be ritually cast.   The intent of this rule is, essentially, spells in combat (spell slots) vs. spells outside of combat (Ritual Casting).  

Crafting Clarifications

  While RAW requires one spell per day, our crafting rules do not reflect that. Spellcasting to create magical items can be covered under the flavor use / ritual casting as noted above.  

Resurrection Complications

  A character that fails their death saves and dies now has a chance to suffer a complication:  
Percentile Roll Complication
1 Character is unable to return to their body. Player has choice to retire the PC due to the death, or be rescued from the afterlife by other PCs
2-20 The PC returns to life with some permanent flaw, which is negotiated with the PLAYER and is mechanically represented as a permanent disadvantage on a specific type of roll in which the player will reasonably expect to feel the change. These permanent flaws can be undone via a Regeneration or Wish Spell, or via working out a quest with the STs(Gods, demons, etc)
21-79 The PC returns to life with a temporary flaw, such as a grievous injury or the like. This is represented by either 2 levels of exhaustion or a reduction in an ability score by 2.These effects wear off after a Long Rest or a Greater Restoration.
80+ No complication
100+ The PC returns to life fully healed of all injuries and with a blessing from the Gods to be negotiated with Jasper prior to the character returning to play.

Resurrection Rituals and The Complication Roll

    1. Resurrection via Wish or True Resurrection does not provoke a Complication Roll and can be used to recover a PC who fails their Complication Roll.   2. Characters can attempt to assist the Resurrection Ritual by completing an appropriate skill check at DC 20 (likely Arcana, Religion, Persuasion, or Performance, though others can be agreed upon). 2a. This is ONLY done before the Complication Roll is made.   3. Each character that succeeds in their assistance check adds a +5 to the Complication Roll.   4. Each character that fails in their assistance check adds a -3 to the Complication Roll   5. A Roll of 0 is always a roll of 0, regardless of the assistance checks.  

Condition notes

Exhaustion: Exhaustion can be resolved via Greater Restoration, either cast from a PC or via temple services for 350 gp (the 100 for the diamond and the 250 for the service).   If resolved on it’s own, one level of exhaustion is cleared with each short rest (meaning one per week)  

Abilities and spell slots

This is a clarification only and no change from RAW: characters regain their abilities (such as action surge) and spell slots as per normal during a long rest. Abilities like Arcane Recovery can be used once per week with short rests as noted.    

Cleric and Arcane Services

Cost per spell cast. This does not include material components, and cannot be purchased with lifestyle.  
Spell Level Cost
1 50 GP
2 100 GP
3 150 GP
4 200 GP
5 250 GP
6+ See below

Potions of Healing, etc. and Costs

  Healing Potions Quick Reference  
Potion Cost to Craft Cost to Purchase
Potion of Healing 25 GP 50 GP
Potion of Greater Healing 125 GP 250 GP
Potion of Superior Healing 1,250 GP 2,500 GP
Potion of Supreme Healing 12,500 GP 25,000 GP
Common Healing Spell Quick Reference
Spell Cost
Cure Wounds / Goodberry (1d8+5 per level) 50 gp per level
Prayer of Healing 100 gp
Lesser Restoration 100 gp
Aura of Vitality 150 gp
Revivify (immediate) 450 gp
Mass Cure Wounds (3d8+5 per level) 250 gp per level
Greater Restoration (includes diamond cost) 350 gp
Raise Dead (can be done later no restoration of body parts) 750 gp
Reincarnate 1250 gp
Heal Requires a service performed.
Regenerate Requires a service performed.
Resurrection (can be done later, restores body parts) Requires a service performed. This cost can be paid after the spell.
True Resurrection (includes diamond cost) Requires a service performed. This cost can be paid after the spell.
Wish Requires a service performed. This cost can be paid after the spell.