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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Fah' , Mis' , Tel' , Bal' , Etc..

Masculine names

No males

Unisex names

No males

Family names

Yeth, Gall, Jomm, etc...


Major language groups and dialects

Xu'rithae (Main) Lu'Mathae (Old Language)

Culture and cultural heritage

it is said that their culture is the one that is the closest ones to those of the first.

Shared customary codes and values

Obey the church at all costs.

Average technological level

Not as high as Hurals

Common Etiquette rules

Pray before meals to their gods, Luminous and Bakuretsu. Pray before bed.

Common Dress code

showing skin and tattoos is forbidden, except the head. They are all mostly surrounded by clothes, but Mis'yeth really doesn't like it, so she eventually convinced Fah'yeth to open up.

Art & Architecture

Biblical art based on gods and divinity. They actually make a great amount of money from just selling their art across the world.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a Xu'rith is born, she is baptized in front of statues of Atomikalus and Luminous. The baby is then enveloped in amber of a tree to protect them from bad spirits and demons.

Coming of Age Rites

at age 13 they all get sent outside their country to try and see how many people they can add to their religion. The one with the most is deemed the next 'blessed adult'

Funerary and Memorial customs

Religious Funerary where they bury the body in crypts instead of the ground. They replace the body's blood with holy water, purifying the body before entering the next life.

Common Taboos

Incest, lesbian, marry more than one, sex before marriage.

Historical figures

Atomikalus, Luminous


Beauty Ideals

Long hair, Smell, Dancing, Singing.

Gender Ideals


Courtship Ideals

Have fun before getting serious. Experience things.

Relationship Ideals

A healthy and religious man.


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