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Terras Venrohyun

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The world of Terras Venrohyun is a large predominantly oceanic world with many small island nations, and one super continent and a second smaller continent resting upon its suffers. Most nations keep to them selves and not much happens with in their lands. However, in the land of Cestria, largest continent in the world, darkness creeps to take hold of the land and its inhabitants.

The land of Cestria is one of the largest continents in the world, and is as old as the gods themselves. It is home to numerous different races, vast kingdoms and lands. To the people of the world, it is often considered to be the one true mainland. This land alone is home to 11 regional powers, nearly 20 different races, cultures and lifestyles. A land of peace, friendship and trade too much of the world. Beyond its continental borders and into the Venyohyn sea are strings of small island chains that lay between the continent of Cestria and the Continent of Hevor. This small islands are largely uninhabited but some to contain trade posts and naval outposts for sea word travel and as points of respite in the harsh sea.

The Continent of Hevor, considered the second largest continent in the world, is home to many nations, and contrary's, each ruled by a verity of different races. While younger then the land of Cestria, it is home to many unique races not found in Cestria itself. Races such as the Centaurs, the Oni, and even legion's of old races long since forgotten or thought to be lost to time itself. This land is torn, conflict is constant, however, it never expands beyond its borders. While it has little to do with the history and conflicts of Cestria, it remains much a mystery to the land of Cestria it self do to the great distance between the lands. As such Tales from this land, are rare and largely unknown.

The World of Terras Venrohyun is unlike many worlds that lay within the Astral Sea, Terras Venrohyun is itself its own plane of existence. This world has long sense been forgotten by all save for the most ancient of beings. This is do to the fact that the plane it self is forever sealed off from the rest of the Astral Sea. Even the Creator Beings themselves can not enter this realm with their omnipotent power they posses. This is do in part to one being, a entity so old that it existed before the creation of everything. With its power alone, it sealed this realm once 6 divine beings decided to take the realm for themselves, forever tramping them with in the plain it self. In doing this, all dimensional and plainal travel with in this world was lost. No one can enter, and no one can leave.   Yet despite this, fragments of the other planes of existence remain with in Terras Venrohyun, and life has flourished thanks in part to the 6 Divine beings. For over six thousand years, this Realm and world has existed. For six thousand years, mortal life has calmed their right to the world created by the Gods and Goddesses who were forever trapped with in this realm. But all is not at peace, for even now, this dark force seeks to reclaim what was once its own. And its will and lust will not be satisfied until it obtains its goal. It is here were the story begins, and it is here it shall end when the end of days arrives. But for now, a land of adventure awaits those, who dare seek it out...