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The priests of the Kami, shugenja have a direct connection to the spirits of creation, and can borrow their power for brief flashes by reciting the proper prayers and incantations, as well as maintaining a good relationship with the spirits themselves.



A shugenja must be born with the gift of the divine tongue: only a select few can speak the language of the spirits of creation, and these select few individuals can train to become shugenja. A shugenja must be formally trained in a seminary or other temple, so that they can learn the proper prayers and dedications to the spirits: all magic in Hokkai is, in reality, the power of these spirits being enacted on the mortal realm at the request of a shugenja. Shugenja usually become ordained around the age of 15, and after this they are expected to serve some time at a temple or other holy place, to develop the sense of humility and goodwill toward their fellows that is desired of these clerics.

Career Progression

A shugenja is a lofty title already, but some shugenja continue to train beyond their initial ceremonies, and achieve higher ranks. Some shugenja end up running a temple in an executive role, organizing commnity events and keeping track of tithes and expenses. Sometimes a shugenja will become an advisor to their Daimyo, as every bushi recognizes the role the spirits play in their fortunes, on and off the battlefield.

Payment & Reimbursement

Shugenja are often of noble birth, and recieve stipends from their family or daimyo the way that many samurai do. Some shugenja eschew these trappings of mortal wealth and live a more aescetic lifestyle in one of the temples, needing only the satisfaction of a job well done as payment.

Other Benefits

All shugenja are held to the same level of respect as a samurai, particularly high ranking ones. Never considered equal to the Daimyo- although in the Phoenix clan, the Daimyo is a shugenja- but often just below them in prestige and respect. Even middle-ranked bushi fall beneath the lowest-ranking shugenja: their connection to the kami inherently makes shugenja very important people in Hokkaidan society. Thus, the word of a shugenja is worth almost double that of a bushi in testimonials before a jury.


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