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Tenno, Emper(or/ess) of the Dark

The Lord of All Oni, currently trapped in Jigoku and attempting to bring an army of Oni forward unto Ningen-do, the mortal realm.

Divine Domains

Jigoku, the Realm of Evil


Hakusho, the Soul Stealer

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Evil Eye of Sutoku, usually a tangerine-sized emerald carved to appear like an eyeball. Only the highest-ranking priests of Sutoku are allowed to carry these, and supposedly Sutoku can personally see the cult's deeds through these gems.

Tenets of Faith

The Scions of Sutoku believe in their lord's quest to free Yami from her tomb, and to upend the Celestial Bureaucracy. In this way, the Scions believe, humans will curry favor with a new Celestial Bureaucracy, and will be able to assert their supremacy over all the mortal realm- and indeed the realms beyond.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sutoku wishes to free their grandmother Yami, the goddess of the underworld of Jigoku, from her prison. They wish to bring Yami back to her rightful place at the head of the Celestial Bureaucracy, upon the Throne of Heaven.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sutoku appears as a fit, but not muscular, youth in their late teens or early twenties. Both heterosexual as well as homosexual people find them alluring.

Body Features

Their skin appears to be made of gold, with sparkling metallic flakes and a deep yellow color. Their hair is a bright red, the color of autumn leaves, and their eyes are a striking green, like young spring bamboo. Their canine teeth are sharper than a human's, but they don't possess the tusks that their oni foot soldiers are known for. They have sprouted small, impish horns like an oni, however.

Physical quirks

They have only one eye, their right one. The left one, legend goes, they gave to the humans to keep so they could watch over mankind. Legend has it that this eye was manifested as a brilliant emerald, hidden somewhere in the kingdom of Hokkai.

Special abilities

As a greater Kami, Sutoku is capable of any physical feat they deem necessary, and possess an ability to magically alter reality, the kind of relationship with the Kami that even a Phoenix Guardian would be awed by. Though weaker in comparison to the two previous generations of Kami, they are still a being of immense power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sutoku was once a member of the celestial bureaucracy, one of the many children of Nichirin's light, and the sun goddess' favorite. She made their skin of glittering gold, to best reflect her holy light, and their hair a flaming red, to carry her warmth to all they came across. They were a dutiful and caring servant to the many realms. They even so loved humans, that they spent many days walking among them, bringing the light and warmth of their mother to the darkest corners of Hokkai.   But one day,they found themself in the yet-unnamed Kanamori mountains, where they stumbled upon a cave blocked by a great stone. From behind the stone, they heard a familiar voice crying. Moving the great stone, they journeyed into the depths of the caves, into the dark realm of Jigoku. This realm had been hidden from them by their mother Nichirin, for it was where their grandmother Yami was forever imprisoned. Sutoku was the first kami to venture down to this realm since their grandfather Hikari trapped Yami here for eternity, terrified by her rotting visage. Because of Sutoku's kind heart, they were not frightened by Yami's appearance. They spoke to their grandmother, the first to do so in thousands of years, and they bonded. They swore to Grandmother Yami they would find a way to release her from this prison, whatever it took.

Gender Identity

Though many of the Kami have specific genders, these are usually tools of the humans to better understand the behaviors of beings far beyond their reckoning. Sutoku exists as both male and female, as well as neither of those things. They use masculine, feminine, and neutral pronouns, depending on which aspect of their personality they are referring to. The Scions of Sutoku most commonly refer to Sutoku as a man, but this is more a reflection of Hokkaidan views about patriarchy and the distribution of power and reverence.


Gods do not reproduce through sex for the most part- Hikari no O and Yami no O are the exception to the Hokkaidan pantheon- and so sex is not something that usually enters Sutoku's mind, with the exception of using the idea of it to manipulate weak-willed humans.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sutoku has twice so far been unable to enter the mortal realm of Ningen-do, once during the Night of a Thousand Devils, and most recently during the Battle of the Blood Moon.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sutoku is a master manipulator- in their youth they walked among the humans, and understands them better than any other Kami. They are also incredibly beautiful and charismatic, and use these traits to get what they want from human servants whom they enchant. They possess a beyond-genius level intellect, and as an immortal, plan for decades and centuries rather than months or years.

Morality & Philosophy

Sutoku believes that their mother and grandfather are wrong to keep Yami in her prison, and wish to set her free. They sees their grandmother's imprisonment as unfair and unjust, especially considering the role she played in the creation of the kingdom of Hokkai and all its inhabitants.   While they still love humans, they see mankind as complicit in Yami's imprisonment, and the goal of freeing her is more important. As the de facto leader of Jigoku and the Oni which spawn from it, they use these demons to enact their will upon the mortal realm, regardless of the collateral damage that might occur. Sutoku sees their goal as paramount, to be achieved by any means necessary, no matter how destructive or inhuman: if mankind suffers, or is destroyed because of Sutoku's crusade, so be it.
Divine Classification
Greater Kami
Bright Green
Neon Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden, sparkling
5' 5
125 lbs
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Abyssal.


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