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Temple of the Lotus

Nestled high atop Mount Pahada, this temple of Sakhric mysticism is sought out by those who wish to achieve enlightenment, and leave behind the troubles of the world below. Given its highly defensible position, it has recently become a place of refuge for people displaced by the Laozi expansion.

Purpose / Function

The Temple is built on the supposed site of where Pavitra Sakhra, the founder of Sakhric mysticism, supposedly reached her utmost level of enlightenment, and became a bodhisattva. It's a major religious site for Sakhric mystics, and a library of sacred texts, many written by Pavitra's own hand. It serves as a destination for pilgrims who wish to devote their lives to the teachings of Sakhricism, and try to move beyond the things which weigh us down and keep us from true happiness. The temple is far removed from civilization for this purpose, to offer those who come here a chance to meditate on the true nature of life, and to let go of all the things which keep people bound to their everyday lives.


The temple is built in a blend of styles which incorporates both Laozi and Vedic architecture. Since the temple is on the top of a mountain, much of it is done in the Vedic rock-cut architectural style. There are a few natural "sky wells,"- open-air courtyards of Laozi inspiration- further into the cave system of the temple, where natural skylights foster a sense of being enclosed in nature. These installations are considered to be very peaceful, and help achieve the focus and calm necessariy for Sakhric meditation


Being atop a very large mountain, at the end of a very difficult journey filled with natural obstacles and dangers, the temple doesn't have traditional defenses like battlements or walls: the idea is that only the truly worthy and dedicated will reach the temple. However, on the off chance that an undesireable element does threaten the peace and sanctity of the temple, there is The Brotherhood of the Lotus- a highly trained sect of warrior monks who guard the pilgrims who have given up so much to make the journey.


Originally the caves were a source of marble and limestone which the dwarves of Oresis quarried. Several of the most impressive and ostentatious human monuments on the eastern continent, such as the Grand Wall of Shun Hui or the Vedic mausoleum of Shaashvat Shaanti were built using the stones quarried from the Rigaveda mountains. Even given its storied past, when Pavitra Sakhra reached the top of Mount Pahada, these cliff faces and caves had long been abandoned and forgotten. It was here, however, that she achieved her final ephiphany about the nature of human existence and what it means to be truly enlightened. Because of this, the monks who travelled with her at the time sanctified this place upon leaving, and after Pavitra's death, it became the repository of many sacred texts of Sakhricism practiced by many in the Rigaveda mountains.


Though the road to the mountain is difficult- icy winds blow unsuspecting pilgrims into bottomless chasms and ravines without the proper precautions- and usually requires the use of a guide who knows the way, many people do travel to the temple to show their devotion to Sakhric mysticism, and in many cases to become a monk of the temple and devote their life to Pavitra's teachings.
Alternative Names
Surakṣā Mandira
Temple / Church
Owning Organization
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