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The Five Crown Concordat

When a sudden spike in dragon activity threatened the safety of five kingdoms of Western Occides- Dál Riata, Rhonia, Albia, Strahna and Königsland- their leaders signed this agreement to find a way to stop the draconic threat


The kingdoms of Western Occides were in an almost-constant state of war with one another, and the pattern was always the same: two countries would go to war over some disputed border or diplomatic incident; other kingdoms would offer aid or rebukes, or stay out entirely; enough blood would be spilled by one side or another that the two kingdoms would negotiate an uneasy truce- marriages of highborn daughters and sons- and then all would be well for a few decades between the two kingdoms. But it seemed, as soon as one war ended, another was brewing between two different kingdoms (or sometimes, one of the same and another.)   Indeed, when the newly-unified nation of Königsland was attacked by the first dragon, many of the other kingdoms saw this a form of instant karma for König expansionism and nationalism. Many an Occidean noble had a good laugh at the expense of the Kyzer. But, when the dragons came to the other kingdoms, they stopped laughing. The five regents concluded that they could not weather this draconic threat apart, but together they might stand a chance. Thus the leaders of the five undersigned kingdoms met at Prince Edouard's Hall of A Hundred Mirrors, to sign this document.

Document Structure


If any evidence is found that any of the signatories are responsible for the draconic threat, the remaining signatories are allowed to break the peace and declare war on the traitors.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

There were varying reactions to the signing of the Concordat: many nobles viewed the concept of needing help from another kingdom to defend themselves as off-putting at best, and downright weak at worst. Bazlina Voztovskaya Irina Fyodorovnia suffered the worst backlash in her kingdom, since as a woman many in her court were already wont to see her as weak and ineffectual.   However, the commoners of each kingdom were more or less thrilled to hear that the five kingdoms were willing to work together to stop this incursion of dragons into their lands.


The term is as yet undecided- however long it might take to end the draconic threat against the Five Crowns.


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