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The Motuan Islands

The Motuan archipeligo lies east and a little bit south of the elven jungles of Pa Saksiid. They are protected from any interference by the continental kingdoms due to the rough and rocky shores which surround them, only traversable by special shallow-draft canoes of Motuan design. They are further sheltered from natural disasters by virtue of being located between a terrestrial kingdom of Jungle Elves, and an underwater kingdom of Pearl Elves. The people living on the islands have agreed to help the elves steward their sacred space, and protect the natural beauty of Motua, and they all enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life because of it.


The Motuan archipeligo is just off the southeastern coast of Oresis, and is a wonderfully lush and tropical paradise. One side of the islands is windward, catching all the rain that is generated from the leftover weather systems created by the Jungle Elves' magic. This windward side is a lush jungle, reminiscent of Pa Saksiid, but without all the venomous snakes, carnivorous plants, or giant lizards. There are large lakes that sit atop the mountains of Motua, from which the rivers that support the Motuan civilization flow. The leeward side of the islands is drier, but has better access to the ocean. Here one will find luscious coral reefs and healthy populations of all sorts of marine animals.


The rains from the Pa Saksiid keep the windward side of the Motuan islands lush and green, which helps foster the populations of tropical plants. The fruits and flesh of these plants are an important food source for all the living creatures on the island, but of greater significance to the Motuan people is the myriad wildflowers that grow here. These flowers have strong spiritual and cultural significance to the Motuans, and they feature heavily in their myths and art. Many beautiful insect populations feed on these plants. Small birds eat these bugs, as well as the seeds from the many plants, and propagate them all across these islands. Many amphibians and terrestrial lizards also make their home in this jungle.   The leeward side is more arid and desert-like, but has better access to beaches, and is closer to the Pearl Elves' territory. Here, cacti and other succulent plants subsist of the small amounts of water that make it over the mountain range, and small lizards adapted to the arid climate also make their home here.   The Motuan people steward the island itself, but the oceanic ecosystem is kept by the Pearl Elves of Oaloloto. These water-breathing aquatic elves live amongst the marine animals of the ocean, and ensure that their populations are kept in check, and any pollutions are removed promptly. They have a good relationship with the Motuan people, and exchange pearls and other deep-sea treasures for foodstuffs and objets d'art from the land-dwellers.


The climate in Motua is incredibly pleasant. It is a warm, balmy tropical island that is naturally cooled by marine tradewinds and consistent rainfall. The spring monsoons do sometimes threaten the safety of Motuan villages in the worse years, but the Motuan people are quick to rebuild and do not much mind. The water by the beaches is cool and refreshing, but not cold enough to worry about hypothermia.

Fauna & Flora

Tropical wildflowers grow in abundance in the Motuan islands, and the genetic diversity of these flowers is high among and between the islands: some flowers only grow on certain islands due either to intentional cultivation or accidents of nature.   Insects are common in the Motuan islands: ants, aphids, beetles and butterflies of myriad colors, all these creatures thrive in the hot, wet climate of Motua. However, there are no mosquitoes, an ecological rarity for tropical climates in Terrathria.   There are different subspecies of birds on each island as well: some birds which populate islands that have more nuts and fruits than nectar-producing flowers have evolved differently to thrive in their environment.   Amphibians such as tree frogs and salamanders populate the rainforest, and lizards such as iguanas and bearded dragons can be found in the more arid parts of the island. Geckos can be found everywhere.

Natural Resources

The island is a rich garden of natural resources for the Motuan people: the many edible fruits and plants, as well as the variety of seafood and terrestrial birds, ensures that the Motuans have a healthy diet. Though there is no naturally occuring ores, the Motuans have a specific hardwood tree that they make most of their tools out of. Due to their trade with the Pearl Elves, the Motuans also benefit from the resources of the deep sea: weapons and other objets d'art crafted from whale ivory, as well as pearlsteel, a beautiful and mysterious metal that can only be forged by the Pearl Elves, using their deep-ocean volcanic vents.
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