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The Mouth of Shijin

Hatano (Currently)

Or "Kuchi-no-Shijin," as it is called in Hokkaidan, The Mouth of Shijin is a title that has been passed down by the most famous poets, actors and lyricists throughout Hokkaidan history.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Though there have been conflicting accounts as to whether or not the current bearer of the title, Hatano, is a man or a woman, there are a few identifying physical features which belong to Hatano alone: the soft, honey colored skin and emerald eyes which the Mouth of Shijin are purported to possess are the only key detail that remains consistent among otherwise inconsistent reports of their gender, dress, and sexual preferences.

Special abilities

The Mouth of Shijin can play any instrument in existence with a level of proficiency and skill that would bring tears to the eyes of even the staunchest samurai. They have a hauntingly beautiful singing voice as well, and seem to know the steps to any dance requests of them, be it a peasant jig or the most complicated and refined of noh ballets enjoyed by nobility.

Apparel & Accessories

It seems The Mouth of Shijin appears differently everywhere they go. Sometimes they arrive at the door of a noble lord or lady dressed in rags, with nothing but a shamisen on their back or a flute in their pocket. Other times, they arrive at a small backwater village, with a full wagon train of attendants, dressed in the finest silks and precious jewels.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There have been several Mouths of Shijin throughout Hokkai's history, as it is an honorific title given to the most prolific and famous poet or musician in the land. No matter who they were in each generation, they were always the most sought-after and respected artist of their time, being requested by the emperor, shoguns, and even the kami themselves in the mythical beginnings of Hokkaidan history.

Gender Identity

The gender identity of The Mouth has changed over the course of time, as the title has been held by many different people. Sometimes, even the older stories of The Mouth have conflicting information, with one lord saying he was a graceful and stoic-looking man, and the lord of the next province over saying she was a petite, cherubic woman. People today are unsure what gender The Mouth is, until they show up in town the night of their scheduled performance. Sometimes, even when ostensibly one gender, they will perform in costume as the opposite, further adding to the mystery of who, exactly, The Mouth of Shijin even is.


Many historical and modern accounts of both men and women having dalliances with the Mouth of Shijin exist, although historically these accounts have come from high-born women.


The Mouth of Shijin is always apprenticed under the previous Mouth for a number of years before the title is handed over, though during this time, it is not usually widely known that the Mouth has taken an apprentice.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

The Mouth of Shijin is a character well known in both high and low circles of Hokkaidan society, and generally well-liked. The legacy of the Mouth is preserved by the passing of the title from the master to apprentice, when the original Mouth feels their time holding the title is over. In a ceremony happening every year on the sixth full moon of the year as the cherry blossoms are beginning to turn, the Mouth of Shijin announces their retirement, and turns the mantle over to their apprentice. This festival is renowned as a huge celebration with wine, food, and entertainment, and high-born lords and ladies always attempt to curry favor with the Mouth to either sponsor the festival, or to be invited to wherever the festival will take place. Ironically, it seems historically that the Mouth simply shows up to a random town a few days before natural occurance of the holiday, bearing cartloads of decorations and libations, and the party organically springs up around them.   During this party, the passing of the torch between the old Mouth of Shijin and their apprentice also occurs, a subject of much discussion and controversy among fans of the artist. The ritualistic transfer of the title from one Mouth to another is a very public affair, but the meaning and significance of the ritual is a closely-guarded secret, known only to the old mouth and the new prospect. In a very public performance, the orignal Mouth symbolically transfers the title through a kiss, transferring the blessing of Shijin from Mouth to Mouth. Given the nature of Shijin as a Fortune of romance and passion, as well as the tendency in Hokkaidan society of actors and playwrights to moonlight as prostitutes, many walk away from the festival under the impression that the old Mouth simply takes a young lover and transfers the title on to them because of nepotism. The reality, however, remains inscrutable to all but the older Mouth.
Divine Classification
Incarnation of The Fortunes
Emerald Green
Long, sleek, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Honey colored skin
5' 6"
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