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The War of 10 Shoguns

The most brutal conflict the island nation of Hokkai had ever seen. The Shogun Matsuhiro Tachibana, died leaving no heir, and so the major families fought to establish themselves as the inheritor of the centralized power of Hokkai. Brother fought against brother in a civil war which led to the pointless death of countless Hokkaidan people. In the end, one man sought to stop this madness in the only way the other Hokkaidan strongmen would accept: total victory in combat. Several noble families rallied to his banner, and after much death and sacrifice, were victorious. He claimed that he had been chosen by the Celestial Heavens to bring an end to the conflict, to rule justly and fairly, and to keep the Hokkaidan people- those children of the gods and the kami- from more pointless slaughter. Those families who sided with the newly-crowned Emperor Hattori Hanzo were awarded with fiefs and titles of nobility. These family groups became the 6 clans of Hokkai: Sparrow, Boar, Hare, Crab, Heron, and Phoenix.


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