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Plants of Orhin

Plants of Orhin

Orhin is covered in thick forests, with ferns and mushrooms peeping out from the roots of every fir tree and junipers clinging to sides of cliffs. What follows is a list of culturally significant plants to the Orhinr and their uses, dangers, and names in Tanali.

Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts

Ribbed Bog Moss (Gahus-Hikopianr)
Found in the lower regions of Orhin. No known uses.
Broom Mosses (Taupajus)
Found throughout Orhin, the most common moss. No known uses.
Juniper Hair Cap (Sramyajonvea)
Resembles a miniature carpet of juniper saplings. Used as a diuretic.
Stiff Clubmoss (Mehikopianr)
Found in lower Orhin. Burned, ashes used to fertilize useful plants and barren land. Quite useful to those living in Hianhinak.
Sphagnum Moss (Aidopisida)
Found in lower Orhin. Used as a bandage, antiseptic and to help with painful or itchy skin. Also used as a sponge. Weavers use to create an absorbant cloth for menstural cycles and diapers. Incredibly useful material to Orhin society at large.
Stonecrop (Hinaksida)
Dried and powdered leaves made into a spice. Used to treat Vitamin C deficiency, blemishes, postpartum hemorrhaging, and to kill parasites.


Sitka Sedge (Sennairhus)
Found along the streams of Orhin. Stems bases chopped and steamed or eaten raw.
Bristleleaf Sedge (Aunuaejil)
Sprouts up along barren patches of land and alongside conifers. No known uses.
Japanese Sedge (Failanrhus)
Found around the borders of Gahus and Orhin. No known usage besides possible use as cordage.
Yunwu Taicao (Kwaipolsid)
Roots and seeds occasionally eaten. Found mostly in lower regions of Orhin and eaten there. Otherwise unknown to the rest of Orhinr.
Wild Rice (Oulohus)
Found along streams. A delicacy.


Oak Fern (Husmiitain)
No known uses. Found along streams throughout Orhin.
Wood Fern (Sihamenusmii)
Used to expell parasites throughout the human body. The dosage is finicky and the fern is kept under careful monitoring by healers. Originated near lower regions of Orhin, but is now cultivated in special conditions throughout the region.


Pearly Everlasting (Yaishiniinr)
A bath infused with the leaves made for burns, scrapes, and fever, as well as to help those recovering from colds. Not a common sight in Orhin, but a few settlements of the plant exist where healers have planted them.
Yarrow (Pujsgaohanii)
Used to stop bleeding and heal deep wounds, as well as an antiseptic and a stimulant given to those in shock. Leaves eaten or added to soups. Very important herb.
Threeleaf Goldthread (Saiilinovea)
Used for stomach issues, for diabetes, and to prevent Vitamin C deficiency. Pops up throught all of Orhin but found clustered in the lower regions. Put in soups. Makes a yellow dye.
Bluebead (Haishiniipol)
Grows throughout Orhin except Hianhinak. Very common in Husmiiyai. The berry is poisonous. The leaves are edible.
Bunchberry (Aoveanr)
Found primarily in Haonjahunr and Husmiiyai. Eaten raw occasionally, but most importantly added to jams and jellies for added pectin. A decoction of the mashed roots is used to treat eyesores and remove objects from eyes. The tea from the roots may also help with fevers and colic in children.
Red Baneberry (Aohanuamotaj)
Found in the lower regions of Orhin, quite deadly. Used with extreme care by healers to treat heart issues, but is mostly kept trimmed, controlled, and far away from any camp.
Canada Mayflower (Sonnasraulas)
Frequents the areas under any conifer, mostly at the mid-to-low ranges of Orhin. Used mostly for colds, as they treat headaches and sore throats. Fruit usually boiled in several changes of water before consumed.
Wild Sarsaparilla (Hinakosaoj)
Enjoyed by all of Orhinr as a staple food. Roots roasted in oil and eaten hot. The fruit is used to make a liquidy, fermented jam, combined with honey. As well as this, a tea of the roots is used to recover from a wide variety of sudden bouts of illness, such as asthma, weakened lungs, and fevers, and externally is used on burns and abrasions to the skin.
Fairyslipper (Hianviisa)
Delicious tasting root, mashed and served as a side. Delicate flowers are strung together to create a temporary jewelry.
Star-Flowered Lily of the Valley (Youlona)
Partridge Berry (Saoruid)
Single Delight (Yaonanonr)
Sidebells Wintergreen(Pitolsaoni)
Completely useless and hard to grow.
Northern Wood-sorrell (Hianpolissa)
Crushed and pounded in a mortal and pestle along with the roots, the leaves are used as the basis for many populary sauces. One of the few plants that can wind up wild in Hianhinak.
Green-flowered Wintergreen( Lehijsaoni)
Used for stomach upset in children. Not very useful.
Lesser Pyrola (Lehidoan)
A good taste. Similar use to Lehijsaoni. Found primarily in the foot of the Saa'inr Mountains.
Small Twistedstalk (Tasaai)
Found in the mid-mountain region. A cool flavor and a trail snack enjoyed by hunters, fishers, and gatherers.
Wild Cucumber(Soaraona)
Found just below Orhinr territory, in the well-watered hills. Occasionally ventures into Orhinr land. Not used for much.
A pink, bell-like flower dried and used for temporary necklaces. Used during fevers to cool the body.
Starflower (Ashiniinr)
Found around fallen trees, in the patch of sunlight they open. Sometimes used as an emetic and is a symbol against poison.
Bearberry (Sramaohan)
Grows throughout Orhin, but especially thickly in the higher regions. Hianhinak, Sramvea, and Daioyeranr use this fruit prolifically, making a type of fermented jelly out of it.


Mountain Alder (Karuidnanr)
Found wherever there are streams and springs in Orhin. Catkins can be eaten as a food and are often roasted and served with a sour sauce. The bark has pain-relieving properties and can reduce swellings and bleeding, as well as reduce fevers.
Common Juniper (Myajonvea)
The berries are used as a seasoning.

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