
Serpentstone is a strange substance unique to the precursor alchemies of the ancient serpentfolk. Its ancient name is lost to time, but modern explorers have dubbed it “serpentstone” after its ophidian creators.   Exceptionally resilient, all serpentstone is magically treated stone. When properly worked and treated through eldritch means known only to ancient serpentfolk wizards and sorcerers, serpentstone can be programmed to emit sound and light in a variety of ways, shifting at predetermined times from color to color and tone to tone, from brightness equal to that of daylight to a dim, shadowy glimmer like that of a candle. In addition, serpentstone can be set to radiate heat or cold, or produce illusory smoke, roiling forth thin streams of scented, incense-like fumes designed to delight, enlighten, or otherwise inform serpentfolk in the vicinity. All of these effects function as major image (caster level 18th).
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