Living Mound

Living Mounds are an animated Plant species that are generally Carnivorous in nature.

Basic Information


They are generally made up of a mass of vines with a core somewhere within their body.

Genetics and Reproduction

Once the Living Mound gets to the age of ten, and every ten years after, they produce fruit that have a near irresitable scent, they also become very docile to let the fruits have the chance to be eaten.

Growth Rate & Stages

Most Living Mounds seedlings start from the creature that ate their fruit, the seed latching to the intestines of the creature and feeding off them until they die. During which time the creature becomes ravinous with hunger to the point of distending the stomach. Upon the creatures death the seed finishes the rooting process and feeds on the rotting corpse of the victim, the larger the victim the larger the Living Mound will end up being. This process takes between a month and three months depending on the size of the victim. As the body nears complete absorption a core develops and then vines start to develop so it can start collecting corpses to feed on.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Though they pefer a carnivorous diet they will also feed on local plant life if food is scarce. When the Living Mound does have to "Hunt" it sprawls its vines out as feelers and once they get touched it rapidly converges on the creature and crushes the victim. Sometimes the Living Mounds vines are a bit to big for its roots on those occasions it shoves its thicker vines down the creature throat to asphyxiate the victim.

Additional Information


It is currently unknown how to domesticate the Living Mound if it is possible at all.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The cores of the Living Mound can be used to create Topiary Golems.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have two ways of sight, One they can feel vibrastions through the ground and air, Two they have flowers on them that can fine-tune direction through sensing of warmth.
Up to 500 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
800-???(362.87-???kg) Upper weight unknown because researcher died before getting creature pacified.
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Vines of the Living Mound can vary in color between brown and green depending on the enviroment. the core on the other hand is a glowing yellow to purple depending on the age of the Specimen.


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