1. Creation
There are a variety of theories about the origin of the world cycle and just as many about whether it exists at all. Supposedly it was created by the Ame himself in the time before the battles of the godkin. In other theories Virtas cursed the creation of the goddess and still other theories claim the blood of the godkin of the first age doomed the world to repeat its struggle with each other forever. However, first mentions of this world cycle are found in the records of the Yal'Sekai. Consequently, they were already aware of this concept and most modern knowledge of the cycle is based on their findings at that time.
2. The first age
In the first age, the worldcycle chose the two godkin and children of the Ame and Virtas as warriors who were forced to fight each other. The battle of the two was so epochal that it supposedly created the structure of the Astravirium. The two beings smashed on the firmament above Terria and crashed down on the planet. Their remains smashed massive craters into the earth, but even after that, parts of the two beings remained.
These remains preserved the power of the higher beings and were soon found by other life forms. One such species inherited much of their power and from them evolved the Yal'Sekai, the primordial dragons. Another species, however, rose with similar power, the Nameless.
3. The second age
With the awakening of the Nameless and the Yal'Sekai, the World Cycle had once again chosen its fronts, and though the Primordial Dragons tried to stay out of the world's affairs, they were eventually forced into battle against the Nameless. The second age began and as in the age before, this conflict threatened to wipe out both sides, but due to unexplained circumstances neither side actually emerged victorious. The dark spawn of the Nameless rolled over Bawim and the two entities tore each other to shreds in a final battle. However, this did not mean the complete annihilation of both sides, nor did it mean the victory of either side, for although the Primordial Dragons were wiped out, the Nameless lost nearly all of their prowess. Thus they were forced either to flee into exile or to be sealed away. Thus, once again, the power necessary to usher in a third age was released.
4. The third age
What the Godkin had begun was continued by the Yal'Sekai and the Nameless, and finally passed into the hands of the Envoys and the Shadowbloods in the third Age. The Envoys were beings similar to the angels, who returned the original power of the Goddess from the thieving claws of the Primordial Dragons, while the Shadowbloods were probably a gradation of those beings who had once arisen from the infections of the Nameless. Their forces no longer clashed throughout the planet, but probably primarily on Uras, where they took place all around the human kingdom of Gesenna.
Exactly how the third age came to an end is still unclear and leads directly into the problems surrounding the fourth age, which is also known as the silent age. As the name suggests, almost nothing is known about this time, which seems to have been erased from the historical record by an unknown force. Likewise, however, this erasure seems to include the end of the third age, which is why essentially nothing is known about what happened to the Envoy, let alone the Shadowbloods.
5. The Fifth Age
In general, it can probably be said that there is ambiguity about the proxies of the fifth age. Humanity may claim this title, but there is no clear way to determine the representatives of the world cycle. Within the current situation humanity believes themselves as the rightful heirs to the powers of the goddes, being forced into battle and struggle with the absolute mages.