
Archaut: the Monument City, seat of the Council, home of the Citadel. Since the city sprang up around the burial site of King Falladir, Archaut has served as the capital of Terrinoth. The Citadel—onetime castle of Daqan—is the meeting place for the Council of Thirteen and the administrative and judicial center of Terrinoth. In the intervening years, the city has grown from a small mausoleum to a true city, driven largely by the annual presence of the Council of Barons.

Though Archaut is the capital of all Terrinoth, a visitor might not suspect so. For much of the year, Archaut is a solemn, quite place. True, the Citadel hums with activity year-round, but aside from a scarce few merchants and taverns that cater to the Marshals and soldiers of the Citadel, the city lies dormant until the Council of Barons gathers for its annual meeting. In expectation of the annual council, traders, entertainers, aspiring knights, and countless others of all kinds descend on the city. For a few weeks each year—arriving before the barons and departing after their last retainer—the city is abuzz with activity. Some come to prepare the city for the council, others to exploit the presence of the barons and others individuals of import, and still others to petition the barons for aid.

Still, even after the merchants and nobles depart, Archaut is an awe-inspiring sight. Among the many wonders of the city, colossal statues line avenues and hold ancient castles upon their shoulders. Greatest of all is the Statue of Daqan, an enduring monument to the lost king. More than a thousand years later, its regal likeness looks as unblemished as the day it was erected, as if the very elements defer to the lost monarch.

Large city


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