
Given their animalistic appearance, straightforward culture, and soft-spoken nature, it is easy for the other races to see the Catfolk as lesser beings. They are surprisingly quick-witted and incredibly cunning, although most are happy to “play primitive” if it gains them an advantage while bartering or fighting.


Though village-dwelling Catfolk predominantly keep to themselves, those exiled into the world must find their place among the other races. This often leads to love, marriage, and offspring.

Half-Catfolk most often retain the reflexes, senses, and coordination of their Catfolk parent, but commonly gain the aesthetics of their other parent’s species. Many Half-Catfolk appear as heavily furred Humans with cat-like ears and clawed fingers, though there are nearly limitless variations. While most of the nearby societies accept such beings for what they are, full-blooded Catfolk see them as the byproducts of unworthy exiles. Thus, Half-Catfolk are often shunned and ridiculed by their pure-blooded cousins.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Catfolk are distinctive for their bipedal stance despite their catlike claws, feet, tail, and fur, though the latter traits can vary. The huge, muscular Singhara of Zanaga, for example, have a full mane and rich gold and auburn fur, while the compact Hyrrinx have lynx-like tall ears and a bobbed tail.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Among the best hunters and trackers in all of Mennara, Catfolk are able to effortlessly live as hunter-gatherers no matter their location. Hyrrinx, for example, can be found in desolate areas across Terrinoth and Dunwarr. Each of their small villages governed by council of elders. When food runs scarce, as is often in winters, the village exiles adults who are unmarried, less productive, or have run afoul of the reigning council.

Most of these exiles, called Rythkin, become adventurers or mercenaries and may make new lives in Human and Dwarf cities. A small few walk a different path entirely, hunting less and becoming merchants or caravan traders who might roam through far reaches of Mennara. The Singhara, though, always exist for the hunt. Fierce and deadly, they abhor city or village life for the wilds of the jungle.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Hyrrinx Catfolk culture is based on communal simplicity. Food is shared, all aid in village upkeep and building dens, and trades are designed so that the needs of all met. Those who cannot hunt are expected to develop a skill that provides for the tribe. The Singhara, though they operate in packs, are instead fiercely independent and each kills to meet their own hunger.

Terrinoth Catfolk

Starting Abilities

    • Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
    • Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
    • Starting Experience: 90

Special Abilities
  • Starting Skills: Catfolk begin with one rank in Perception. You still cannot train their Perception above rank 2 during character creation.
  • Claws: Catfolk possess sharp, retractable claws and may choose to attack with the following weapon profile: Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 3; Range: Engaged; Vicious 1.
  • Fleet of Paw: Catfolk can perform a second maneuver to move without suffering strain. They still cannot exceed the limitation of two maneuvers in a turn.

Terrinoth Half-Catfolk

Starting Abilities

    • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
    • Starting Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
    • Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities
  • Starting Skills: Half-Catfolk begin with one rank in Cool. You still cannot train their Cool above rank 2 during character creation.
  • Catfolk Ancestry: Half-Catfolk choose either the Claws or Fleet of Paw special ability from the Catfolk entry.


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