Craftsmanship & Materials

The quality of materials that go into an item and the skill of the crafter contribute greatly to its effectiveness and durability. Most weapons and suits of armor aren’t particularly remarkable; the standard item profiles presented in this book represent items crafted by a competent creator using the standard material in Terrinoth—namely steel. This section includes rules for representing items of truly exceptional craftsmanship, constructed with rare and potent materials. An item can only have one type of craftsmanship, which your GM determines when the item is bought or obtained. The type of craftsmanship can never change after the item is created or obtained.


Steel is preferred by smiths across Terrinoth, and those warriors and nobles who can afford to do so invariably equip themselves and their retainers with steel arms and armor. The standard weapon and armor profiles in this chapter represent steel items, and steel craftsmanship has no additional effect.

  • Price: No Change.
  • Rarity: No Change.

  • IRON

    Iron is not as strong or workable as steel, but the smelting of that alloy is beyond many smiths. Further, when both iron and steel items are available, steel fetches a higher price. Many adventurers, militia members, and soldiers in the service of lesser nobles must make do with iron weapons and armor. Iron weapons are rumored to have special effects on certain otherwordly foes, such as the Dimora and the Fae.

  • Armor: Increase the armor’s encumbrance value by 2. In addition, your character adds b to Athletics, Coordination, Riding, and Stealth checks they make while wearing this armor.
  • Weapon: Increase the weapon’s Critical rating by 1.
  • Price: Cost x ½.
  • Rarity: –1.

    Ancient weapons and armor back date to the time of the Penacor Kings, when magic was more potent and widespread in the world. Ancient weaponry and armor is remarkably tough, resistant to corrosion, and able to hold a sharp edge despite heavy use.

  • Armor: Increase the armor’s soak and defense by 1. The armor gains the Reinforced item quality. Reduce the armor’s hard points by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
  • Weapon: Increase the weapon’s damage by 1 and reduce its Critical rating by 1. The weapon gains the Reinforced item quality. Reduce the weapon’s hard points by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
  • Price: Cost x 20
  • Rarity: 10.

    Dwarven smiths are masters of metallurgy. The alloys they concoct and from which they forge armor and weapons are superior to those made from simple steel. In truth, the peerless blacksmithery of the Dwarves is due to skill rather than magic, although the results seem miraculous to lesser smiths.

  • Armor: Increase the armor’s encumbrance value by 1 and add 1 hard point.
  • Weapon: Increase the weapon’s damage by 1 and encumbrance value by 1.
  • Price: Cost x 2.
  • Rarity: +2.


    Elven craft weaves wood harvested from the Deepwoods of the Aymhelin with iridescent moonstone and inlays of gleaming silver. The resulting items are as beautiful as they are light and durable, and blades crafted from moonstone are said to be as sharp as starlight on the coldest winter nights.

  • Armor: Reduce the armor’s encumbrance value by 2, to a minimum of 0. In addition, your character removes b from Stealth checks they make.
  • Weapon: Reduce the weapon’s damage by 1 and Critical rating by 1, to a minimum of 1.
  • Price: Cost x 2.
  • Rarity: +3.

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