Crossbow of Flames

“It isn’t difficult to guess the ability of this weapon, as it is constantly engulfed in a magical fire. Though many assume these weapons to be holy weapons of Kellos, they first appeared during the time of the Elder Kings.”
— Landrec the Wise

Crossbows of Fire have been around for some time. As such, they can be a bit commonplace (well, as common as any magical item can be).

Magical Properties

In addition to the normal damage from the bolt, the weapon also has the Burn 3 quality. The weapon also gives off light equal to a normal torch, so can be used in this capacity. Until an arrow is fired, the fire surrounding the bow and arrow has no heat and there is no danger of catching anything on fire. Once fired, the arrow (only) now has heat.

Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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