
Founded by refugees during the Second Darkness, Dawnsmoor is a city of mixed groups including mercenary companies, nomadic tribes, traveling caravans, and most notably, a large Elven population. Despite its relatively small size, Dawnsmoor’s location on the Flametail River gives it excellent access to trade and a water route to nearby Tamalir toward the east. Because of this, the river has become something of an extension of the city itself; many of the city’s workers make their way to their riverside homes come nightfall. The rowers and fisherfolk on its rivers and creeks are some of the best in Terrinoth, and many a deepwater ship captain started off as a Dawnsmoor river rat.

Though a significant number of the city’s peoples come and go, the Elves retain a steady presence. Elven culture has become embedded within Dawnsmoor, leading the city to develop a warm relationship with the Latari and contain some of the finest archers in Terrinoth. The relationship between Dawnsmoor’s Elves and Humans is not always smooth, however; there are frequent trade disputes and jurisdiction conflicts, and also areas where the two cultures simply don’t mix well. Many a traveler has unknowingly become ensnared in one of these clashes by simply entering a curiously empty tavern, purchasing a sword from a new weaponsmith, or even stating their love for a particular meat pie during a meal.

Lacking city walls, Dawnsmoor has also become a waypoint for less-than-savory characters looking to take some rest—or some coins. This, along with the largely itinerant nature of its populace, has helped give the city a reputation as a place where almost anything can be purchased or contracted, no matter the legality. Some folk have relocated to the smaller villages around the city, on the river, or on the moors of the Misty Plains to the south. Settlements like Brightvale spring up and consolidate, slowly becoming hamlets. Even in these areas, though, there is an undercurrent of the disreputable to be found, especially when deeds need to be done outside of official attention.

Large city


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