
Located at the base of the great mountain shrine of Yrthwright’s Forge to the west of Tamalir, the city of Forge is one of many dedicated to the art of the smithy. Although Forge was once an ancient Dwarven stronghold, Humans became part of it during the Third Darkness, when its conqueror, the Dragonlord Avox, demanded that it produce greater quantities of arms and armor with the metal from its mines.

That destructive occupation means that much of Forge is relatively new, as are many of the homesteads that were constructed to house the enslaved Humans. Many Humans reside in Burrow Town, a village clinging to the slopes of the mountain and even cutting into the rock itself, but others are scattered across the city, mixing with the Dwarven enclaves—something that has not always led to smooth relations.

Sadly, even though Humans and Dwarves fought as one to rebel against the dragons and now hold yearly celebrations to honor the event, tensions between them remain high to this day. Dwarves who were forcibly displaced during the war returned to find Humans seemingly everywhere, outsiders almost as unwanted as any other invader. The Humans in return see the Dwarves as callous about their former slavery and unappreciative of their own efforts to help end the draconic occupation. There are few open conflicts, but many fear it is only a matter of time before one poorly chosen word or perceived slight triggers rioting, or worse.

Despite the tensions, the city includes perhaps the finest smithies in Terrinoth. Deep in the mountain, primal flames burn, hot and pure enough to allow for the crafting of incredible weapons and works of art. Only a few aspiring apprentices eager to learn the secrets of forging metal are taken annually, and some must wait long years before openings appear. No small amount of smithy business comes from travelers who seek to have their broken blades or holy relics restored in the cleansing fire of the mountain. Due to its smiths’ exceptional metalworking skills, Forge uniquely avoids sending tithes of labor, gold, or crops to the Daqan Lords and instead provides only arms and equipment.

Large city


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