Implement Materials

Like the metal in arms and armor, and perhaps even more so, the material used in crafting magic implements such as staffs and wands is an important choice that greatly affects the performance of the resulting object. Many types of wood and other substances have inherent mystical properties that are only unlocked when fashioned into a magic implement.

A magic implement can only have one implement material, which your GM determines when the item is bought or obtained. This can never change after the implement is created or obtained. If not otherwise specified a magical implement is made of Oak.


Oak is a plentiful wood that many practitioners of magic have found to channel arcane energies effectively. A few Greyhaven scholars theorize that oak’s durability and age resonates with the Turning, but most just feel that it makes sense to craft an implement from wood that’s tough.

Oak implements do not have any additional effects.

  • Price: No Change.
  • Rarity: No Change.
  • BONE

    Implements carved of animal bone have long been used by spiritspeakers, witches, and the nightseers of the ancient Loth Caara tribes. Implements crafted from the bones of Humans and their kind are associated with necromancy and other dark magics. When properly prepared, the bones of an ordinary mortal creature can produce frightening effects.

    When your character successfully casts an Attack or Curse spell, they heal 1 wound.

  • Price: Cost x 1½.
  • Rarity: +2.

    Hazel is associated with inspiration, prophecy, and wisdom. Some magic practitioners prefer it for their implements, attributing their greatest successes to moments of inexplicable inspiration.

    When your character generates t while casting a spell with this implement, you may roll b and add it to the results, in addition to spending the t normally.

  • Price: Cost x 1½.
  • Rarity: +1.

    Relatively uncommon in Terrinoth, willow trees are associated with the potential for great purification and healing as well as great despair and death. Willow wands and books bound in willow bark are highly prized among sorcerers.

    When your character successfully casts a spell using a willow implement, you may add a to the results.

  • Price: Cost x 2.
  • Rarity: +2.
  • YEW

    Students of spiritspeakers and old magical traditions associate the yew with the natural cycle of renewal and rebirth. The Latari Elves who guard the borders of the Aymhelin prize it for this natural resonance, and sometimes even bind tomes between thinly laminated sheets of yew.

    When your character successfully casts an Augment, Barrier, or Heal spell using this implement, they heal 1 strain.

  • Price: Cost x 1½.
  • Rarity: +1.

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