
“Still not dead, huh? Well, that’s interesting. Let me get my instruments.”
— Kyndrithul
“Do you wish to be next? If not stay away at all costs- you have been warned.”
— Kyndrithul
“You have come into my castle and are therefore my plaything to use as I see fit. Your life, as long as it lasts, will never be the same...”
— Kyndrithul

Unlike the image most conjure when thinking of powerful vampires, Kyndrithul doesn't look dashing, or inhumanly beautiful to make ladies swoon. He looks tall, gray, and vicious- with pointed teeth and bat-like ears, a completion that looks dead with hands that end in claws. Still, he has great fashion sense for a master Vampire who has been around longer than most elves even remember.

Kyndrithul is the most powerful and oldest known vampire in Mennara, not just Terrinoth. His power cannot be understated. Good thing for the planet that he is content with his small area of power, Castle Dalibor, just north of the Mistlands and just West of where the Lake of the Lost and Korina's Tears meet. He hasn't been seen in over a hundred years, but loves to create new... things in his laboratory. It is rumored that Kyndrithul has one of the most extensive libraries in Mennara, so he can conduct his experiments in private. That he has lived longer even than Waiqar can remember makes him truly a power nearly beyond comprehension. Stay away from his mansion and environs least it cost you not just your life, but your humanity as well. Kyndrithul 's undead minions and outriders can still be seen running errands of behalf of their master- possibly procuring him 'fresh subjects' for his next clever idea turned horrific reanimated freakshow slave.

His castle is a beautiful and large gothic ediface with a stunning view atop a plateau at the very foothills of the Karahesh mountain range. Once within sight of Castle Dalibor, it radiates a sense of ... not Evil per se, but forboding Wrong-ness. Vistors fight the bile in their stomachs, no light seems to shine there, and a cold hand seems to be ever-present at your shoulder.

Outside of the Mistlands, not much is known about Kyndrithul, and some belief him to be little more than a myth. He has let more power-hungry run the Mistlands as they see fit. His power in and surrounding his abode is not to be underestimated. Wander to close to his domain, and you may yourself on his laboratory table - his newest unwilling subject.

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