
This is a city of paranoia, though some might say for good reason. Long ago, in a titanic fall from grace, a member of its Council of Wizards fell to the corrupting influence of the Ynfernael and opened a portal to that blighted realm. Otherworldly monsters poured forth in a massive tide, threatening the western regions of Terrinoth. Unwilling to allow the forces of darkness to gain a foothold, the Daqan Lords delivered a swift and brutal response. Whole families of sorcerers were eradicated in a brutal purge to force the portal closed. Those who were allowed to live did so under careful, unceasing watch.

Haunted by the fear of once again falling to the lure of the Ynfernael, the Priests of Pollux, who have a large cult in Nerekhall, created the Ironbound: living suits of armor beyond the corruption of mortal beings, immune to magic both malign and beneficial. Made from black iron, these constructs exceeded the expectations of the artificers involved in their creation and soon replaced most of Nerekhall’s militia. Today, they are a common sight on the streets and safeguard the citizenry against flagrant acts of evil magic. Those who dare speak of witnessing malfunction or failure in the metal automatons are harshly punished for spreading malicious rumors.

Despite its dark past, Nerekhall has flourished, much to the suspicion of the inquisitors and templars of the baronies and the Church of Kellos. Its magistrates rule harshly, insisting that fear and control are the only protections against corruption. No stone goes unturned, no experiment unnoticed, no tome unmarked as they surveil nearly every aspect of life in Nerekhall and promote its image. Nevertheless, they are especially proud of their renowned school, known only as the Academy. This trusted wellspring of cultured learning is a place where society’s elite can engage in exotic experiments and research rare tomes free of petty scrutiny due to their exalted rank. Its faculty members seem even more eager than their students to explore every aspect of magic and other arts in their quest to establish Nerekhall’s great legacy.

Large city


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