
Standing proud over the harbor city of Riverwatch is a tremendous statue known as the Old Man. Looking over a high cliff, lantern in hand, this colossus is the perfect symbol for Riverwatch and its place in the greater history of Terrinoth. Initially founded as a military outpost of the Penacor Kings, Riverwatch has since risen to become one of the most selfsufficient of all the Free Cities, and one dedicated to the defense of the southern portion of the continent.

The arguable seat of power in Riverwatch is the Watch, which strategically overlooks southern Terrinoth. More than a castle, more than a garrison of soldiers, it is a cultural institution, a sign of the city’s strength and martial history. It was the first building constructed on the site of what would become Riverwatch, and the soldiers who garrisoned it took its name as their duty. It is here where riders are trained in the arts of horsemanship and sword fighting. A special unit of riders acts in a vital role even in times of peace, for the city maintains a messenger service that reaches the far corners of Terrinoth. These Riverwatch Riders have proven the value of fast, reliable communication in ending many a threat before it becomes calamity.

To the south of Riverwatch lies the fortress of Sundergard, one of many such installations that dot the landscape. Due to the sheer number of troops and riders of Riverwatch’s militia and permanent rangers, it often serves as their remote base of operations. From Sundergard, they serve as the first line of defense against dangers issuing from the Mountains of Despair to the south.

Riverwatch sees healthy business activity thanks to the intricate chain of traders and merchants needed to supply the city’s thousands of horses and riders. A large contingent of Orcs call it home, and even more pass through it in their travels. Initially from the Broken Plains, their knowledge of taming wild beasts and animal husbandry has proven invaluable, and their knowledge of the hazards across Terrinoth and beyond perhaps even more so.

Large city


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