The Stormlords

When the skies alight with black lightning, the world trembles. On the western horizon of the Great Sea, a dark storm churns. Those who would venture beyond those clouds and explore the great unknown are never heard from again. The Stormlords have claimed yet another prize.

Sailors who ply the seas between Al-Kalim and the Torue Albes, or along Lorimor, the Kingless Coast, and distant Zanaga, make sure to placate Syraskil, the chaos serpent who guards the edges of the world, with sufficient offerings lest they incur his wrath. They make signs to ward away the great nimbus giant, Marnn, who would smash their ships to smithereens with his great hammer. These and other Stormlords cast their greedy eyes on the wonders of Mennara and would see it destroyed if they had the chance. Legend has it that they were weakened by the legendary seven scions, but it is only a matter of time before the tempest returns to its full strength.

Some believe they can harness this power, calling forth the might of angry seas and violent winds to wreak havoc against their enemies. These dark clerics strengthen the Stormlords and bring the day of their return ever closer.


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